This is a little OO system I'm using. Wanted something that would work across various [EDA] tools and versions (8.4/8.5/8.6) and without [Itcl]. Plus, I wanted composition and hierarchy to be "natural" just like nested namespaces. It does use the ugly "::" separator but some [sugar] could be added to remove that. I'm just moving from TCL noob to hack so I couldn't resist coming with with an amateur OO system. It's probably ''very'' similar to others I've seen on this site. ---- ====== namespace eval gloo { namespace eval VAULT { variable GLOO_CODE { proc new { name {cargs ""} } { set calling_ns [uplevel namespace current] set instname "$calling_ns\::$name" if {$calling_ns == "::"} { set instname "::$name" } set new_code "[set VAULT::GLOO_CODE]\n#==== CODE from : $instname ====#\n$cargs" namespace eval $instname\::VAULT {} set $instname\::VAULT::GLOO_CODE $new_code namespace eval $instname $new_code return $instname } } } eval [set VAULT::GLOO_CODE] } # Create a class gloo::new Toaster { variable crumbs 0 proc toast {nslices} { puts -nonewline "[namespace current] is toasting $nslices slices" variable crumbs if {$crumbs > 50} { error "== FIRE! FIRE! ==" } set crumbs [expr $crumbs+4*$nslices] puts " and made $crumbs crumbs" } proc clean {} { variable crumbs set crumbs 0 } } # Can call methods on the class Toaster::toast 4 # Create an instance Toaster::new ToasterInst set ToasterInst::crumbs 3 ToasterInst::toast 6 ToasterInst::clean # Extend a class.. Extending is the same as constructing, just that there's code # passed to the constructor to tack onto the class Toaster::new SmartToaster { rename toast super-toast proc toast {nslices} { variable crumbs if {$crumbs > 40} { clean } return [super-toast $nslices] } } SmartToaster::toast 6 SmartToaster::new SmartInst SmartInst::toast 7 # Hierarchy is natural... gloo::new ToastMaster { Toaster::new foo SmartToaster::new bar proc toast {slices} { foreach c [namespace children [namespace current]] { catch {eval $c\::toast $slices} } } } ToastMaster::foo::toast 5 ToastMaster::bar::toast 6 ToastMaster::toast 1 ====== <>Object Orientation