Some examples of handling [WMI] events through [TWAPI COM support]. See [TWAPI and WMI] for examples related to retrieving WMI data. [WMI] can be configured to monitor system events and send notifications to an event sink when the events occur. The examples below illustrate how to set up the event sink and associated handlers using [TWAPI COM support]. All examples assume you have initialized with package require twapi 1.0 ;# Note you need the 1.0 release from CVS set wmi [twapi::_wmi] and remember to do a $wmi -destroy at the end. ---- Print a notification when a process is started. # Handler invoked when a process is started. Will print exe name of process. proc process_start_handler {wmi_event args} { if {$wmi_event eq "OnObjectReady"} { # First arg is a IDispatch interface of the event object # Create a TWAPI COM object out of it set event_obj [comobj_idispatch [lindex $args 0] true] # Get and print the Name property puts "Process [$event_obj -with TargetInstance Name] started" # Get rid of the event object $event_obj -destroy } } # Call to begin tracking of processes. proc start_process_tracker {} { # Get local WMI root provider set ::wmi [twapi::_wmi] # Create an WMI event sink set ::event_sink [comobj wbemscripting.swbemsink] # Attach our handler to it set ::event_sink_id [$::event_sink -bind process_start_handler] # Associate the sink with a query that polls every 1 sec for process # starts. $::wmi ExecNotificationQueryAsync [$::event_sink -interface] "select * from __InstanceCreationEvent within 1 where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'" } # Stop tracking of process starts proc stop_process_tracker {} { # Cancel event notifications $::event_sink Cancel # Unbind our callback $::event_sink -unbind $::event_sink_id # Get rid of all objects $::event_sink -destroy $::wmi -destroy } ---- [Category Windows] | [Category System Administration]