[Sarnold] A classical recursivity example as a small game. The goal is to move entierly a tower from one pit to another. The tower is formed by 3 to 5 discs, which reside on a pit. There are three pits, and you can move only one disc at a time, but not over a smaller disc. ----- #! /usr/bin/wish # We work in GUI mode package require Tk proc stackMove {numberOfDiscs from to temporary} { if {$numberOfDiscs==1} { oneMove $from $to return } stackMove [expr {$numberOfDiscs-1}] $from $temporary $to oneMove $from $to stackMove [expr {$numberOfDiscs-1}] $temporary $to $from } proc drawStacks {{flashed 0}} { foreach i {1 2 3} { if {$i==$flashed} { DrawStack $i 1 } else { DrawStack $i } } update after 350 } proc DrawStack {stackIndex {flashed 0}} { # remove all existing discs .stacks.tower$stackIndex delete all .stacks.tower$stackIndex create rectangle 120 30 130 400 -tags tower -fill #777 .stacks.tower$stackIndex create rectangle 0 380 250 400 -tags base -fill #777 set Discs $::discs($stackIndex) if {[llength $Discs]==1} { return } set Discs [lrange $Discs 1 end] set discIndex 0 foreach n $Discs { # n is the size of the disc # discIndex is the position (the highest to the top) if {$flashed && $n==[lindex $Discs end]} { .stacks.tower$stackIndex create rectangle [expr {125-$n*110/$::nbDiscs}] \ [expr {-$discIndex*25+375}] [expr {125+$n*110/$::nbDiscs}] \ [expr {-$discIndex*25+365}] -fill #F55 } else { .stacks.tower$stackIndex create rectangle [expr {125-$n*110/$::nbDiscs}] \ [expr {-$discIndex*25+375}] [expr {125+$n*110/$::nbDiscs}] \ [expr {-$discIndex*25+365}] -fill #55C } incr discIndex } } proc init {} { wm title . "Hanoi Towers" frame .stacks -width 750 -height 500 pack .stacks -side top foreach i {1 2 3} { set tower .stacks.tower canvas $tower$i -width 250 -height 400 pack $tower$i -in .stacks -side left $tower$i create rectangle 120 30 130 400 -tags tower -fill #777 $tower$i create rectangle 0 380 250 400 -tags base -fill #777 } frame .command -width 750 -height 60 pack .command -side bottom set ::nbDiscs 3 label .command.labelNbDiscs -text "Nb Discs :" pack .command.labelNbDiscs -side left spinbox .command.nbDiscs -textvariable ::nbDiscs\ -values {3 4 5} -state normal pack .command.nbDiscs -side left checkbutton .command.computer -variable ::computer pack .command.computer -side left label .command.automatic -text "automatic" pack .command.automatic -side left button .command.exit -text Exit -command {update;exit} pack .command.exit -side right -padx 20 button .command.go -text "Go!" -command {Begin} pack .command.go -side right -padx 20 } proc discInit {} { set n $::nbDiscs incr n foreach stack {1 2 3} { set ::discs($stack) [list $n] } incr n -1 for {set width $n} {$width>0} {incr width -1} { lappend ::discs(1) $width } drawStacks } proc Begin {} { # beginning of the game : no move yet set ::moveNumber 0 # disable interrupt game .command.go configure -state disabled discInit drawStacks if {$::computer} { stackMove $::nbDiscs 1 2 3 .command.go configure -state normal tk_messageBox -message "End of automatic game !" } else { ReadyToMove } # Destroy .command # Destroy .stacks # init } ################################################################################ # returns 1 if the player have won the game, 0 if the game is still unfinished ################################################################################ proc HaveWonGame {} { if {[llength $::discs(1)]==1} { if {[llength $::discs(2)]==1 || [llength $::discs(3)]==1} { return 1 } } return 0 } ################################################################################ # set the stacks to be ready for interactive playing ################################################################################ proc ReadyToMove {} { if {[HaveWonGame]} { tk_messageBox -message "Game won in $::moveNumber moves !\nCongratulations !" .command.go configure -state normal foreach i {1 2 3} { .stacks.tower$i configure -background #fff } return } foreach i {1 2 3} { if {[llength $::discs($i)]!=1} { .stacks.tower$i bind all {SelectSource [string index %W end]} } else { .stacks.tower$i bind all {} } .stacks.tower$i configure -background #fff } } ################################################################################ # select the tower as source # towerIndex : integer 1..3 ################################################################################ proc SelectSource {towerIndex} { set ::source $towerIndex .stacks.tower$towerIndex bind all {ReadyToMove} .stacks.tower$towerIndex configure -background #df7 foreach i {1 2 3} { if {$i!=$towerIndex && [lindex $::discs($i) end]>[lindex $::discs($towerIndex) end]} { .stacks.tower$i bind all {oneMoveInteractive %W; ReadyToMove} } } update } ################################################################################ # perform one move with interactive game ################################################################################ proc oneMoveInteractive {widget} { set to [string index $widget end] set from $::source oneMove $from $to } ################################################################################ # perform one move graphically and internally ################################################################################ proc oneMove {from to} { if {[llength $::discs($from)]==1} { error "stack no. $from is void" } set discWidth [lindex $::discs($from) end] if {$discWidth>[lindex $::discs($to) end]} { error "disc width overflow in destination" } # flash the top of the source stack drawStacks $from # perform the move in the global array lappend ::discs($to) $discWidth set ::discs($from) [lrange $::discs($from) 0 end-1] incr ::moveNumber # flash the top of the destination stack drawStacks $to drawStacks } array set discs {} init ---- [uniquename] 2013aug01 This nice animated game deserves an image. [StephaneARNOLD_HanoiTowers_screenshot_759x455.jpg] This is an image take after the game has gone to its completion, in automatic mode. (The rings started on the left.) ----- [[ [Category Games] | [Category Application] ]]