I am living in Naumburg, Germany. Our company [http://www.elmicron.de] does programs for logistics and bar coding ([barcode]) and most programs are done using [TCL]. My mission is to organise world logistics flow for medical [http://www.hibc.de] and other [http://www.eurodatacouncil.org] branches complying to ISO standards. You can send me messages in german, french, english and spanish language to Harald dot Oehlmann at Elmicron dot de. TCL actions: * [BWidget] classic * [Rivet] rpm for SuSE, Red Hat 5 and CentOS 5 * [Img] Patch to get Resolution information on save [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3062062&group_id=52039&atid=465495] * [create triangle image] Dynamic arrow buttons implemented by a dynamically resized arrow image. Shortcut on this wiki: [HaO] Sourceforge user name: oehhar ***Code Snippet Copyright Statement*** This [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_thread/thread/b6480f2047ebfdb9#%|%clt posting%|%] clarified, that wiki code is copyrighted by the author. Any cody on wiki.tcl.tk by me may be used in any way without mentioning the author. There is no warrenty. ---- 2011-03-16 Unfortunately, I do not plan to attent ETCL conference in Strsbourg this year due to local holidays. ---- [Category Home Page]