Purpose: to provide some basic instructions for those who haven't figured out how to use the Wiki. There are help pages available here on [the Tcler's Wiki]. Read, for example, [Welcome Visitors]. Another useful one to check out [Searching and bookmarking URLs on the Tcl'ers Wiki]. ---- [LV]: July 10, 1999 JC, what other help pages are there? This might be a useful place to gather them . LV: March 30,2001 - what a different 2 years make! Quite a few more help pages around the wiki these days. However, I'm not certain where to learn how to do this - how would I search for, say "what are the steps for submitting a bug in tk"? As far as I can tell, the search page defaults to searching the titles of pages. I can include a * on a word - but only that word gets searched within the body - not the rest, right? Marty Backe: March 30, 2001 - This one's easy. Enclose your search phrase in double quotes, followed by '*?'. Example: http://purl.org/tcl/wiki/"what are the steps for submitting a bug in tk"*? ''JC: searches with "*" at the end of the request are performed in titles and bodies (abc* should not be interpreted as globbing).'' That works fine if you know the name you are seeking. For instance, I wanted to look for all pages discussing database interfaces. So I typed http://purl.org/tcl/wiki/"database inter"* and that works okay. However, if I select instead the Search link on this or other pages, then type "database inter"*, I get the error: Search Searched for ""database inter"" (in page titles and contents): * No matches found ''JC - try this (the link doesn't come out right, include the space and the rest):'' http://purl.org/tcl/wiki/database inter* ''... but I don't know why that gives a different result from this one:'' http://purl.org/tcl/wiki/database+inter* [Csan]: That's because '+' translates back into a SPACE for cgi scripts. Thus, using '+' instead of SPACES in case someone is looking for a multi-word pattern is the right way (That would still not be an ORed search tho...). <> Tcler's Wiki