[FF] - 2008-07-01 - Since people asked what [TrackerWidget] is for, here's is an example (still incomplete) of some of its features. N.B.: requires [TrackerWidget] saved in a tracker.tcl file in current directory. ---- #!/usr/bin/env wish source tracker.tcl trace add variable ::wm_title write set_wm_title proc set_wm_title {name _ op} { if {$::wm_title != {}} { wm title . "HexEdit - $::wm_title" } else { wm title . "HexEdit" } } proc menu_open {} { global filename set f [tk_getOpenFile] if {$f != {}} {set filename $f; jump_to_offset 0 0} } proc menu_save {} { global filename tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -message "Not implemented yet!" -detail "Time for looking at the code? ;-P" } proc menu_save_as {} { global filename tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -message "Not implemented yet!" -detail "Time for looking at the code? ;-P" #set f [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile $filename] } proc help_about {} { set e [string map {R ri O co Q de Z fe I it W ma L il} ZQRO.ZrR.I@gWL.Om] tk_messageBox -icon info -type ok -message "hexedit (a demo of tracker widget)\nby Federico Ferri <$e> - 2008\n\nhttp://wiki.tcl.tk/FF\n" -title "About" } proc help_dwim {} { tk_messageBox -icon question -type ok -message "Wouldn't that be nice?" -detail "I almost finished the algorithm and I'll release it soon! :)" } proc jump_to_offset {kb b} { global filename if ![file exists $filename] {return} .t resetdata set fh [open $filename r] seek $fh [expr {1024*$kb+$b}] for {set row 0} {$row < 64} {incr row} { for {set col 0} {$col < 16} {incr col} { set ch [read $fh 1] if {$ch != {} && [scan $ch %c ascii]} { .t setdata $row $col $ascii } else { .t setdata $row $col {} } } } close $fh } set ::wm_title {} menu .mb . configure -menu .mb menu .mb.f -tearoff 0 .mb.f add command -label {Open...} -command menu_open .mb.f add command -label {Save} -command menu_save .mb.f add command -label {Save as...} -command menu_save_as .mb.f add separator .mb.f add command -label {Exit} -command {exit} .mb add cascade -label {File} -menu .mb.f menu .mb.e -tearoff 0 .mb.e add command -label {Cut} -command {.t cut} .mb.e add command -label {Copy} -command {.t copy} .mb.e add command -label {Paste} -command {.t paste} .mb.e add command -label {Delete} -command {.t delete} .mb.e add separator .mb.e add command -label {Select all} -command {.t select_all} .mb.e add command -label {Select none} -command {.t select_none} .mb.e add command -label {Select row} -command {.t select_row} .mb.e add command -label {Select column} -command {.t select_column} .mb add cascade -label {Edit} -menu .mb.e menu .mb.h -tearoff 0 .mb.h add command -label {About...} -command help_about .mb.h add separator .mb.h add command -label {Do What I Mean} -command help_dwim .mb add cascade -label {Help} -menu .mb.h tracker::tracker .t -rows 64 -cols 16 \ -width 460 -height 380 \ -xscrollcommand {.hs set} -yscrollcommand {.vs set} .t columnconfigure default -type numberhex -width 2 scrollbar .hs -orient horizontal -command {.t xview} scrollbar .vs -orient vertical -command {.t yview} set row 0 grid .t -row $row -column 0 -sticky news grid .vs -row $row -column 1 -sticky ns incr row grid .hs -row $row -column 0 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 incr row grid [frame .f] -row $row -sticky news -columnspan 2 grid \ [label .f.l1 -text "Jump to offset:"] \ [spinbox .f.v1 -width 5 -from 0 -to 999999 -increment 1 -validate all] \ [label .f.l2 -text "Kb + "] \ [spinbox .f.v2 -width 5 -from 0 -to 1023 -increment 16 -wrap 1 -validate all] \ [label .f.l3 -text "bytes"] \ [button .f.b1 -text "Go!" -command {jump_to_offset [.f.v1 get] [.f.v2 get]}] \ [label .f.l4 -text ""] \ -row 2 -sticky news grid columnconfigure .f 6 -weight 1 ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!