[ABU] 11-mar-2021 '''Highlighter''' is a small and quick app for highlighting text on PDF documents. '''Highlighter''' is a demo app for the new, completely rewritten [tclMuPdf] and [MuPdfWidget] packages. %|Windows|Linux|% &|[Image Highlighter-Win]|[Image Highlighter-Linux]|& ***Download*** '''Highlighter''' requires the new tclMuPDF 2.0 package. Choose the one for your platform and install the package as a subdirectory of one of the directories given by the auto_path variable (e.g. c:\tcl\lib) * [https://sourceforge.net/projects/irrational-numbers/files/tclMuPDF-2.0/tclMuPdf-win64-2.0.zip/download] '''tclMuPDF 2.0 for Windows x64''' * [https://sourceforge.net/projects/irrational-numbers/files/tclMuPDF-2.0/tclMuPdf-linux64-2.0.zip/download] '''tclMuPDF 2.0 for Linux x64''' * [https://sourceforge.net/projects/irrational-numbers/files/tclMuPDF-2.0/tclMuPdf-mac64-2.0.zip/download] '''tclMuPDF 2.0 for MacOS''' Then download the '''Highligther''' app. Unzip it and install it under any directory. * [https://sourceforge.net/projects/irrational-numbers/files/Highlighter-1.0.zip/download] '''Highligther 1.0''' ***How to use it*** Double click on .../Highlighter-1.0/main.tcl or launch it from a shell ====== wish ..../Highlighter-1.0/main.tcl ====== or ====== wish .../Highlighter-1.0/main.tcl mydoc.pdf ======