[Keith Vetter] On [clt] lists: [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_thread/thread/6ef3d29a056b8db8/] * mousewheel handling * dash lines * rc filename and location * $HOME is less prominent in [Windows] * how and for whom you install * file permissions * file volumes * registering as a mime type * making script executable (!# & chmod vs. assoc & ftype) * font names * some windows only color names * option database not typically used on windows * stdin, stdout and stderr may not work * different set of native widgets and dialogs * send command * some widget padding/border differences but I can't remember what * unix numerous windows managers which all behave slightly differently * printing Probably the area that causes the most problems for programmers comes in using [exec] and coordinating with other programs, such as: * launching browsers * launching mail agent ("start mailto:..." on windows) * most unix apps can be driven via stdin using "open |app w" * spaces in file paths much more common on windows * many windows commands translate to "cmd /c" or "cmd /c start" which requires eval and careful space handling ---- [Category Porting]