[SQLite] does not support encryption or passwords. There are a few extensions that add the capability for encryption, among these are The SQLite Encrytion Extension (SEE), SQLite-Crypt, wxsqlite3 and SQLCipher. However none of these provides with the tcl bindings to be able to manipulate an SQLite database from tcl code. I will show you how to achieve this, but it will take a bit of work. You need to download MinGW/MSYS, OpenSSL and the SQLCipher source code. After that follow these steps: 1. install [MinGW]/[MSYS] 2. install [OpenSSL] (requires Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables) 3. create an `sqlcipher` directory and place in it all the files from the SQLCipher [zip] file 4. copy `openSSL/bin/libeay32.dll` to `sqlcipher` directory. 5. copy `openSSL/lib/MinGW` to `/MinGW/lib` directory. 6. go to the `sqlcipher` directory and compile using the following command:<
>`./configure CFLAGS="-DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC -I/c/openssl/include" LDFLAGS="-leay32 -L/c/openssl/lib" ` 7. type `make` 8. type `make dll` These will create an `sqlite3.exe` and `sqlite3.dll` with tcl bindings. When trying to encrypt a database just type: PRAGMA key = 'password' That's all. <>Database | Security