**What is sorting?** Sorting is taking a collection of things and putting them into some specific order. For example, sorting people by age, shoes by size, strings by length, planets by mass, numbers by value. **What techniques are available within the Tcl language?** * '''[lsort]''' — takes a Tcl [list] argument and returns another list that is the sorted version of the input list. The other arguments determine exactly how the items in the list are to be ordered. **What are other relevant pages on the wiki?** * [merge sorts] * [collation] * [custom sorting] * [How fast can we sort 5 elements] * [Sorted Lists] * [Topological sort] * [Simple Text Widget Sort] ---- Frequently Asked Questions about sorting * How can I sort the contents of a file in tcl? ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Discussion] |% !!!!!!