Version 2 of HowTo open PDF with Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader using optcl

Updated 2011-07-03 16:55:09 by dkf

This page provides an example of how to open PDF with Adobe [L1 ] Acrobat or Acrobat Reader using the optcl package. For more information see DeveloperFAQ.pdf [L2 ], IACOverview.pdf [L3 ] and IACReference.pdf [L4 ].

Alexander Schöpe

 package require optcl
 package require tile

 proc Acroview { pdf {preview 1} } {
   global acrobat

   set w .acroview
   if {![winfo exists $w]} {
     toplevel $w
     wm resizable $w 1 1
     wm title $w "Adobe Acrobat Plugin"
     wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list catch [list wm withdraw $w]]
     wm geometry $w +100+50

     grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
     grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
     grid [ttk::label $w.i -text "Loading Adobe PDF Plugin..."] -row 0 -column 0 -sticky wnes
     update idletasks

     set acrobat [optcl::new -start -window $w.acropdf AcroPDF.PDF]

     destroy $w.i
     grid $w.acropdf -row 0 -column 0 -sticky wnes
     grid [ttk::frame $w.f -padding 3] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky wnes
     grid columnconfigure $w.f 0 -weight 9
     grid columnconfigure $w.f 3 -weight 1
     grid [ttk::button $w.f.c -text [msgcat::mc Cancel] -command [list catch [list wm withdraw $w]]] -row 0 -column 1
     grid [ttk::button $w.f.p -text [msgcat::mc Print] -command [list $acrobat printWithDialog] -bind F3]  -row 0 -column 2

     update idletasks
     $w.acropdf configure -height [set h [expr {[winfo screenheight .] - [winfo reqheight $w.f] - 150}]] -width [expr {int($h * 0.75)}]
   wm withdraw $w

   if {[optcl::isobject $acrobat]} {
     $acrobat LoadFile $pdf
     $acrobat setCurrentPage 1
     $acrobat setLayoutMode OneColumn
     $acrobat setShowToolbar 0
     $acrobat setView Fit

   if {$preview} {
     wm deiconify $w
   } else {
     if {[optcl::isobject $acrobat]} {
       $acrobat printWithDialog
     wm withdraw $w


  • Src - Gets or sets the URL for the document.


  • GetVersions - Deprecated
  • GoBackwardStack - Goes to the previous view on the view stack, if the previous view exists.
  • GoForwardStack - Goes to the next view on the view stack, if the next view exists.
  • GotoFirstPage - Goes to the first page in the document, maintaining the current location within the page and zoom level.
  • GotoLastPage - Goes to the last page in the document, maintaining the current location within the page and zoom level.
  • GotoNextPage - Goes to the next page in the document, if it exists. Maintains the current location within the page and zoom level.
  • GotoPreviousPage - Goes to the previous page in the document, if it exists. Maintains the current location within the page and zoom level.
  • LoadFile - Opens and displays the specified document within the browser.
  • Print - Prints the document according to the options selected in a user dialog box.
  • PrintAll - Prints the entire document without displaying a user dialog box.
  • PrintAllFit - Prints the entire document without displaying a user dialog box, and the pages are shrunk, if necessary, to fit into the imageable area of a page in the printer.
  • PrintPages - Prints the specified pages without displaying a user dialog box.
  • PrintPagesFit - Prints the specified pages without displaying a user dialog box.
  • PrintWithDialog - Prints the document according to the options selected in a user dialog box.
  • SetCurrentHighlight - Highlights the text selection within the specified bounding rectangle on the current page.
  • SetCurrentPage - Goes to the specified page in the document.
  • SetLayoutMode - Sets the layout mode for a page view according to the specified string.
  • SetNamedDest - Changes the page view to the named destination in the specified string.
  • SetPageMode - Sets the page mode according to the specified string.
  • SetShowScrollbars - Determines whether scrollbars will appear in the document view.
  • SetShowToolbar - Determines whether a toolbar will appear in the viewer.
  • SetView - Sets the view of a page according to the specified string.
  • SetViewRect - Sets the view rectangle according to the specified coordinates.
  • SetViewScroll - Sets the view of a page according to the specified string.
  • SetZoom - Sets the magnification according to the specified value.
  • SetZoomScroll - Sets the magnification according to the specified value, and scrolls the page view both horizontally and vertically according to the specified amounts.

See also