[Keith Vetter] 2003-09-29 -- I love Tcl's [foreach] command. It's a beautiful command that lets you express elegantly some otherwise cumbersome constructs. Compared to similar constructs in other languages, Tcl's foreach command outshines them all. People often complain that Tcl's ''simple'' syntax can be annoying--it's prolix and confusing to the initiate: when is a comment a comment? (even [JO] got that one wrong), always having to use [expr] to do any math, the whole {expand} debate [http://mini.net/tcl/9468], etc. But the foreach command is one of Tcl's strengths. Most of the common uses of foreach such as walking a list, swapping two variables foreach {a b} [list $b $a] break -or- foreach a $b b $a break , handling multiple return values from a function (see [foreach] for more details) have similar constructs in other languages, often times more elegantly expressed. - ''[RS]: Note that the elegant second form requires a and b to be scalars or empty lists.'' But once you get past these simple uses of foreach, other languages can't compare. Take even the simple example of traipsing down a list--in tcl you can take bigger steps. Try doing this in perl (without destroying the data list): foreach {x y} $dataSet { ... } Another simple (but I admit dubious) use of foreach is setting multiple variables at once: foreach x [$w canvasx $x] y [$w canvasy $y] break ([FW]: wouldn't that rather be foreach {x y} [list [$w canvasx $x] [$w canvasy $y]] break ? -- [RS]: Both have the same effect, but the first "multilist" approach is a bit shorter.) more detailed foreach can be used to extract list structure and simulate [perl] or [haskell] list asigments In Perl ($first,$secound,$third) = @list; In Tcl common set first [lindex $list 0] set secound [lindex $list 1] set third [lindex $list 2] or with foreach foreach {first secound third} $list {} the problem of this command is that primary invention (assigment) is not obviously. Everyone await some kind of looping. [KPV] I disagree, it's a Tcl idiom that people come to quickly understand. But advanced use of foreach that many people don't realize comes when you traipse over a list of variable '''names'''. Below is an example from I program I wrote that cleans up user supplied data: foreach var {north south east west altitude} { set $var [::Data::Fix [set $var]] } Here's an example I just used today: foreach col [list red white blue white red] d {4 3 2 1 0} { set xy [MakeBox 50 50 [expr {5+$d*8}]] .c create oval $xy -fill $col -outline $col } Here's a more complicated example: # Get canvas dimensions shrunk by some amount foreach who {x0 y0 x1 y1} val [.c cget -scrollregion] d {30 20 -30 -20} { set $who [expr {$val + $d}] } Now that I've admitted my love of the foreach command, I confess I have two complaints. First, I'd love some kind of iteration counter. But the obvious way of doing that is via a special variable and that not the ''Tcl way''. Second, I'd love foreach to understand [streams], but that's a whole other discussion. ''Could iteration be done with an extra var running over a generated list of ints? -[jcw]'' [KPV] -- definitely yes, especially if that list of ints were a stream. But the problem is knowing when to stop. The best I could come up with is below, but sometimes $myList is a function return value and then this doesn't work as well: foreach var $myList cnt [range 0 [llength $myList]] {...} [RS] does integer iteration like this, admittedly not very tricky: set i -1 foreach element $list { incr i ;# safer here than in the end, because the loop might be left early w. continue # do something with $element and $i here } [glennj]: or even fall back to the venerable [for] command for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $myList]} {incr i} { set element [lindex $myList $i] # do something with $element and $i here } [KPV]: yes, but by using [for] you loose all the special features of [foreach] like grabbing multiple elements or traipsing multiple lists. [DKF]: The point when you need [for] is when you need to stride over list elements by variable amounts (e.g. when parsing getargs()-style arguments). At that point, you've no real choice. [jcw] - That's a good example of why [streams] (and coroutines) are more than a gimmick. You can consume items ''from different parts in the code'', and therefore at varying "burn rates". Using some pseudo notation: geteach x $argvstream { switch -- $x { -a { ... } -b { set y [get $argvstream]; ... } } } Just like "gets" from a channel, really. [EB]: Keith, you want something like [iterators] ? [KPV] I think so, it seems to me that iterators and streams are different names for the same concept. Anyway C# has now foreach too. It must be good :). The main advantage of foreach is that input for processing and processing variable is good to see. (That is not by for.) Also many errors in 'for' loops (starting value, end or break condition) can be eleminated. To have index in the looping [Smalltalk] collections have extra command 'doWithIndex:' that provide extra index variable list doWithIndex: [:each :index | Transcript show: each printString , ' index ' , index printString; cr]. That can be also simulated in Tcl as new command foreachWithIndex e $list { puts "$e index $index" } Unfortunately it would be slower as 'foreach' or 'for' that are special byte-coded for speed by interpreter. Here sample implementation of 'foreachWithIndex' in simple (not full foreach) syntax. proc foreachWithIndex {var_ref list command} { upvar $var_ref var upvar index uindex set uindex 0 foreach a $list { set var $a uplevel $command incr uindex } } [Lars H]: One thought about wanting to "vary the burn rate" -- is there anything which prevents this? I notice (in tclCompile.h) that there are two distinct instructions INST_FOREACH_START4 and INST_FOREACH_STEP4 (although I don't know how one figures out what they do), so what would happen if "foreach step" could appear in the middle of a foreach body? Would that have effects like those of [jcw]'s "get" above? Assuming the answer is yes, here is some pseudo-code exploiting the idea. It implements a simple drawing language where the commands and their arguments are just elements in a list with no particular structure. I'm using the name '''next''' for the step-foreach-command. foreach cmd $cmdargseq { switch -- $cmd { line { next {x1 y1 x2 y2} $canvas create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 } circle { next {x y radius} $canvas create oval [expr {$x-$radius}] [expr {$y-$radius}] [expr {$x+$radius}] [expr {$y+$radius}] } } } A $cmdargseq of "circle 20 20 15 line 18 2 10 10" should then boil down to $canvas create oval 5 5 35 35 $canvas create line 18 2 10 10 Of course, the most important application would probably not be executing code from such mini-languages (although I've had to do write Tcl code for that on some occations, and would have found this '''next''' very useful then), but parsing options of Tcl procedures (although that is a kind of mini-language too). [DKF]: While in theory you could put INST_FOREACH_STEP in the middle of the loop, you'd need to define what happens if that reaches the end of the list at that point. You'd also need to say why just going round the loop again is not good ehough... ---- [Category Control Structure] | [Category Example]