[JM] 13Feb2012 - I can fill a search box in a demo page,but I dont think having a fixed wait is how it should work, could you please advise console show puts start... package require tcom set ie [tcom::ref createobject InternetExplorer.Application] $ie Visible True #$ie Navigate "http://wiki.tcl.tk/_/search" $ie Navigate "http://www.sphider.eu/forum/read.php?2,6529,6529" while {[$ie Busy]} { puts [clock format [clock seconds]] update } after 10000 set docObj [$ie Document] set objCollection [$docObj getElementById "search"] $objCollection innerText "Jorge" [JM] 13Feb2012 - Answering to myself...this how it works: console show update #puts start... package require tcom set ie [tcom::ref createobject InternetExplorer.Application] $ie Visible True #$ie Navigate "http://wiki.tcl.tk/_/search" $ie Navigate "http://www.sphider.eu/forum/read.php?2,6529,6529" while {[$ie Busy]} { puts -nonewline . update after 100 } #after 10000 puts [[$ie Document] readyState] while {[[$ie Document] readyState] != "complete"} { puts [clock format [clock seconds]] update after 1000 } set docObj [$ie Document] set objCollection [$docObj getElementById "search"] $objCollection innerText "Jorge" And this is what the console shows when the page loading is kind of slow: ........loading Thu Feb 16 11:01:01 AM Mexico Standard Time 2012 Thu Feb 16 11:01:02 AM Mexico Standard Time 2012 Thu Feb 16 11:01:03 AM Mexico Standard Time 2012 Thu Feb 16 11:01:04 AM Mexico Standard Time 2012 Thu Feb 16 11:01:05 AM Mexico Standard Time 2012 Thu Feb 16 11:01:06 AM Mexico Standard Time 2012 Thu Feb 16 11:01:07 AM Mexico Standard Time 2012 Thu Feb 16 11:01:08 AM Mexico Standard Time 2012 see also [IE RC]<
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