Version 4 of IP Calculator GUI

Updated 2009-09-25 09:30:12 by HJG

Small calculator using Tile only using IPv4 and no tcllib - allows one to type IP/netmask and get the corresponding broadcast/network addresses. 5 minutes' fun project :)

 package require tile
 proc ip2val {str} {
    set rc 0
    foreach v [lrange [split $str .] 0 3] {
         if {[catch {
             set v [expr {($v & 0xff)}]
         }]} {
             set v 0
         set rc [expr {($rc << 8) + $v}]
    return $rc
 proc val2ip {v} {
    return [format %d.%d.%d.%d \
         [expr {(($v >> 24) & 0xff)}] \
         [expr {(($v >> 16) & 0xff)}] \
         [expr {(($v >>  8) & 0xff)}] \
         [expr  {($v & 0xff)}] \
 proc docalc {args} {
    global ipaddr netmask broadcast netaddr
    set ip [ip2val $ipaddr]
    set nm [ip2val $netmask]
    set ::netaddr   [val2ip [expr {($ip & $nm)}]]
    set ::broadcast [val2ip [expr {($ip & $nm) | ($nm ^ 0xffffffff)}]]
 set ::ipaddr  ""
 set ::netmask ""
 trace add variable ::ipaddr  write docalc
 trace add variable ::netmask write docalc
 ttk::label .l0 -anchor e -text "IP Address"
 ttk::label .l1 -anchor e -text "Netmask"
 ttk::label .l2 -anchor e -text "Broadcast"
 ttk::label .l3 -anchor e -text "Network address"
 ttk::entry .e0 -textvariable ::ipaddr
 ttk::entry .e1 -textvariable ::netmask
 ttk::entry .e2 -textvariable ::broadcast
 ttk::entry .e3 -textvariable ::netaddr
 grid .l0 .e0 -pady 2 -padx 2
 grid .l1 .e1 -pady 2 -padx 2
 grid .l2 .e2 -pady 2 -padx 2
 grid .l3 .e3 -pady 2 -padx 2
 wm resizable . 0 0
 wm title . "IP calculator"

See also A Little CIDR Calculator for a slightly different approach.

HJG What is the advantage of using tile here ? It seems to work just fine without all those "ttk::".

Applications using Tile - Category GUI - Category Networking