Windows/Linux command line tools and C libs to do image manipulation. Very powerful. Very fast. Deliciously bug-free. Open source. See See also [TclMagick] ---- [PR] Here's an example how I use Tcl/Tk with ImageMagick to convert RAW grayscale images to JPEG. I'm calling this script from a BAT file, see [Droplets]. Gray2Jpeg.tcl #!env wish proc Gray2Jpeg {} { # the command line to execute global gFilNam gDir gRows gCols gDepth gArgs set lOWD [ pwd ] cd $gDir eval exec env convert.exe -depth $gDepth -size $gRows\x$gCols $gArgs $gFilNam $gFilNam\.jpg cd $lOWD WriteConf } proc ChooseFile {} { # select file to convert global gFilNam gDir set lFilNamL [ tk_getOpenFile -filetypes { { RAW { .gray .GRAY } } } -initialfile $gFilNam -initialdir $gDir ] set gFilNam [ file tail $lFilNamL ] set gDir [ file dirname $lFilNamL ] WriteConf } proc WriteConf {} { # write conf file global env gFilNam gDir gConfFil gRows gCols gDepth gArgs set gConfFil [ open [ file join $env(HOME) ".Gray2Jpeg.tcl.conf" ] "w" ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gDir $gDir ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gFilNam $gFilNam ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gRows $gRows ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gCols $gCols ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gDepth $gDepth ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gArgs $gArgs ] close $gConfFil } # default parameters set gDir "." set gFilNam "" set gRows 0 set gCols 0 set gDepth 8 set gArgs "" # get parameters from conf file catch { source [ file join $env(HOME) ".Gray2Jpeg.tcl.conf" ] } # build window labelframe .lf -text "Raw Gray Image" -padx 2 -pady 2 label .lf.l11 -text "Filename: " -padx 2 -pady 2 label .lf.l12 -textvariable ::gFilNam -width 20 -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2 button .lf.b13 -text "..." -command ChooseFile -bd 1 -padx 2 -pady 2 label .lf.l21 -text "Rows: " -padx 2 -pady 2 entry .lf.e23 -textvariable ::gRows -width 5 -justify right label .lf.l31 -text "Columns: " -padx 2 -pady 2 entry .lf.e33 -textvariable ::gCols -width 5 -justify right label .lf.l41 -text "Depth: " -padx 2 -pady 2 entry .lf.e43 -textvariable ::gDepth -width 5 -justify right label .lf.l51 -text "Arguments: " -padx 2 -pady 2 entry .lf.e52 -textvariable ::gArgs label .sep -padx 2 -pady 2 -height 0 button .bGO -text "Go" -command Gray2Jpeg -padx 2 -pady 2 button .bEX -text "Exit" -command exit -padx 2 -pady 2 # display wm resizable . 0 0 grid .lf - - - - -sticky news grid .lf.l11 .lf.l12 .lf.b13 -sticky ew grid .lf.l21 x .lf.e23 -sticky ew grid .lf.l31 x .lf.e33 -sticky ew grid .lf.l41 x .lf.e43 -sticky ew grid .lf.l51 .lf.e52 - -sticky ew grid .sep - - - - -sticky news grid x .bGO x .bEX x -sticky ew # start up if { [ expr { $argc > 0 } ] } { set gFilNam [ file tail [ lindex $argv 0 ] ] set gDir [ file dirname [ lindex $argv 0 ] ] } ---- [Category Graphics]