Windows/Linux command line tools and C libs to do image manipulation. Very powerful. Very fast. Deliciously bug-free. Open source. See See also [TclMagick] Netpbm offers much the same functionality as ImageMagick in regard to conversion between formats. Both are open-sourced. ---- [PR] Here's an example how I use Tcl/Tk with ImageMagick to convert RAW grayscale images to JPEG. I'm calling this script from a BAT file, see [Droplets]. Gray2Jpeg.tcl #!env wish proc Gray2Jpeg {} { # the command line to execute global gFilNam gDir gRows gCols gDepth gArgs gKeep set lOWD [ pwd ] cd $gDir eval exec env convert.exe -depth $gDepth -size $gRows\x$gCols $gArgs GRAY:$gFilNam [ file rootname $gFilNam ].jpg cd $lOWD WriteConf if { $gKeep == 0 } { exit } } proc ChooseFile {} { # select file to convert global gFilNam gDir set lFilNamL [ tk_getOpenFile -filetypes { { RAW { .gray .raw } } } \ -initialfile $gFilNam -initialdir $gDir ] if { [ string length $lFilNamL ] > 0 } { set gFilNam [ file tail $lFilNamL ] set gDir [ file dirname $lFilNamL ] WriteConf } } proc WriteConf {} { # write conf file global env gFilNam gDir gConfFil gRows gCols gDepth gArgs gKeep set gConfFil [ open [ file join $env(HOME) ".Gray2Jpeg.tcl.conf" ] "w" ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gDir $gDir ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gFilNam $gFilNam ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gRows $gRows ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gCols $gCols ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gDepth $gDepth ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gArgs $gArgs ] puts $gConfFil [ list set gKeep $gKeep ] close $gConfFil } # default parameters set gDir "." set gFilNam "" set gRows 0 set gCols 0 set gDepth 8 set gArgs "" set gKeep 0 # get parameters from conf file catch { source [ file join $env(HOME) ".Gray2Jpeg.tcl.conf" ] } # build window labelframe .lf -text "Raw Gray Image" -padx 2 -pady 2 label .lf.l11 -text "Filename: " -padx 2 -pady 2 label .lf.l12 -textvariable ::gFilNam -relief sunken -bd 1 -width 20 -anchor e -padx 2 -pady 2 button .lf.b13 -text "..." -command ChooseFile -bd 1 -padx 2 -pady 2 label .lf.l21 -text "Rows: " -padx 2 -pady 2 entry .lf.e23 -textvariable ::gRows -width 5 -justify right label .lf.l31 -text "Columns: " -padx 2 -pady 2 entry .lf.e33 -textvariable ::gCols -width 5 -justify right label .lf.l41 -text "Depth: " -padx 2 -pady 2 entry .lf.e43 -textvariable ::gDepth -width 5 -justify right label .lf.l51 -text "Arguments: " -padx 2 -pady 2 entry .lf.e52 -textvariable ::gArgs frame .f checkbutton .f.cb -variable ::gKeep label .f.l -text "Keep Open" -bd 0 -font { { system } 7 } button .bOK -text " OK " -command Gray2Jpeg -padx 2 -pady 2 button .bEX -text "Cancel" -command exit -padx 2 -pady 2 # display wm resizable . 0 0 grid .lf.l11 .lf.l12 .lf.b13 -sticky ew grid .lf.l21 x .lf.e23 -sticky ew grid .lf.l31 x .lf.e33 -sticky ew grid .lf.l41 x .lf.e43 -sticky ew grid .lf.l51 .lf.e52 - -sticky ew grid .lf - - - - - - -sticky news grid .f x x .bEX x .bOK x -sticky news grid .f.l .f.cb # start up if { $argc > 0 } { set gFilNam [ file tail [ lindex $argv 0 ] ] set gDir [ file dirname [ lindex $argv 0 ] ] } #console show ---- The imgop library available at [] provides a number of routines to operate on Tk images and also to call ImageMagick for some basic operations on pictures. The library tries to abstract away the difference between file (names) and existing Tk images, while always returning Tk images ready to be used in your application. imgop is far from a replacement for TclMagick, it has simply grown out of a number of routines that I had here and there, in applications where I did not want to link in the whole TclMagick. Note that ImageMagick now comes with an ActiveX component, which would offer yet another way to interface it, via tcom for example. [EF] ---- [Category Graphics]