[Keith Vetter] 2016-05-25 : here's another utility I wrote a while ago that I thought I'd share here. It's a command line utility that displays the size of images, regardless of image type and not requiring Tk. It's similar to ImageMagick's ''identify -format "%i [[%m]] %w x %h\n'' img.png' but it's more lightweight and has better handling of filenames. For example, if you invoke it without any arguments, it will find all the image files in the current directory. % imgSizes chevrons.xbm [xbm] : 14 x 9 klimb.bmp [bmp] : 50 x 50 logo3.png [png] : 532 x 532 me.jpg [jpg] : 1,024 x 683 quito.jpg [jpg] : 922 x 691 sample.webp [webp] : 256 x 22 seascape.jpg [jpg] : 1,024 x 683 t_and_e.jpg [jpg] : 691 x 922 test.png [png] : 566 x 611 ---- ====== ##+########################################################################## # # imgSizes.tsh -- command line tool for listing image sizes # by Keith Vetter, October 28, 2005 # package require jpeg package require png package require tiff proc GetSize {fname} { if {[file size $fname] == 0} {return [list $fname - -]} set bestGuess "try[string tolower [file extension $fname]]" foreach itype [concat $bestGuess [info procs try.*]] { if {[info procs $itype] eq ""} continue set try [$itype $fname] if {$try ne {}} { return $try } } return {? - -} } proc try.jpg {fname} { if {! [::jpeg::isJPEG $fname]} { return {} } return [concat jpg [::jpeg::dimensions $fname]] } proc try.png {fname} { if {! [::png::isPNG $fname]} { return {} } array set P [::png::imageInfo $fname] return [list png $P(width) $P(height)] } proc try.tiff {fname} { if {! [::tiff::isTIFF $fname]} { return {} } lassign [::tiff::dimensions $fname] w h return [list tiff $w $h] } proc try.gif {fname} { # http://wiki.tcl.tk/758 set data [ReadN $fname 10] set sig [string toupper [string range $data 0 5]] if {$sig ne "GIF87A" && $sig ne "GIF89A"} { return {} } binary scan [string range $data 6 7] s width binary scan [string range $data 8 9] s height return [list gif $width $height] } proc try.ico {fname} { # Note, may contain multiple images so we return a list of sizes set f [open $fname r] fconfigure $f -encoding binary -translation binary binary scan [read $f 6] sss zero type numImages if {$zero != 0 || ($type != 1 && $type != 2)} { close $f ; return {} } set d {} for {set i 0} {$i < $numImages} {incr i} { set idata [read $f 16] binary scan $idata cc w h if {$w == 0} {set w 256} if {$h == 0} {set h 256} append d "${w}x$h " } close $f return [list ico $d ?] } proc try.ppm {fname} { # see http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/ppm.html set data [ReadN $fname 256] set magic [string range $data 0 2] if {! [regexp {^P6\s$} $magic]} { return {} } set n [regexp {^P6\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)} $data . width height] if {! $n} { error "bad ppm format" } return [list ppm $width $height] } proc try.xbm {fname} { # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_PixMap#Comparison_with_other_formats set data [ReadN $fname 256] set n1 [regexp -line {^\s*\#define\s+[a-zA-Z_09]+_width\s+(\d+)} $data . width] set n2 [regexp -line {^\s*\#define\s+[a-zA-Z_09]+_height\s+(\d+)} $data . height] if {! $n1 || ! $n2} { return {} } return [list xbm $width $height] } proc try.bmp {fname} { # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format set data [ReadN $fname 26] if {[string range $data 0 1] ne "BM"} { return {} } binary scan [string range $data 18 21] i width binary scan [string range $data 22 25] i height return [list bmp $width $height] } ##+########################################################################## # # Webp (weppy) # # gallery # ======= # http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57580664-93/facebook-tries-googles-webp-image-format-users-squawk/ # # File Format # =========== # https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/riff_container # VP8 : # VP8L : https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=webm/libwebp.git;a=blob;f=doc/webp-lossless-bitstream-spec.txt;hb=master proc try.webp {fname} { set data [ReadN $fname 30] set chunk0 [string range $data 0 11] set chunk1 [string range $data 12 end] binary scan $chunk0 "a4ia4" riff size id if {$riff ne "RIFF" || $id ne "WEBP"} {return {}} binary scan $chunk1 "a4" vp8 if {$vp8 eq "VP8L"} { return [webp.VP8L $chunk1]} # We're assuming start code block starts 11 bytes into the VP8 chunk binary scan $chunk1 "a4cu7cu3cu2cu2" vp8 . startCode widthInfo heightInfo if {$vp8 ne "VP8 "} { error "unknown VP8 block" } lassign $startCode b0 b1 b2 if {$b0 != 0x9d || $b1 != 0x01 || $b2 != 0x2a} { error "missing start code block" } set horizScale [expr {[lindex $widthInfo 1] >> 6}] lset widthInfo 1 [expr {[lindex $widthInfo 1] & 0x3f}] set vertScale [expr {[lindex $heightInfo 1] >> 6}] lset heightInfo 1 [expr {[lindex $heightInfo 1] & 0x3f}] binary scan [binary format cu2cu2 $widthInfo $heightInfo] tt width height return [list webp $width $height] } proc webp.VP8L {chunk1} { binary scan $chunk1 a4icucu4 vp8 size signature sizeInfo if {$signature != 0x2f} { error "bad VP8L signature byte: $signature" } lassign $sizeInfo b0 b1 b2 b3 # 10001111000000010100101100010000 # 10001111 00000001 01001011 00010000 # 10001111.000000 01.01001011.0001 0000 # 10001111.000000 1.01001011.0001 # 1_webp_ll.webp # width: 400px 110001111 # height: 301px 100101100 # 2_webp_ll.webp # 386x295 set width [expr {1 + ($b0 << 6) + ($b1 >> 2)}] set height [expr {1 + ($b1 << 12) + ($b2 << 4) + ($b3 >> 4)}] return [list webp $width $height] } proc commify number {regsub -all {\d(?=(\d{3})+($|\.))} $number {\0,}} proc ReadN {fname n} { set fin [open $fname rb] set data [read $fin $n] close $fin return $data } ################################################################ if {$argv == {}} { set argv [list *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.ico *.webp *.bmp *.tiff *.tif *.ppm *.xbm] } set fnames {} set longestName 0 foreach arg $argv { regsub -all {\\} $arg {/} arg foreach fname [glob -nocomplain $arg] { if {! [file isfile $fname]} continue lappend fnames $fname set longestName [expr {max($longestName, 2 + [string length $fname])}] } } if {$tcl_interactive} return foreach fname [lsort -dictionary $fnames] { set sizes [GetSize $fname] lassign $sizes itype w h set type " \[$itype\]" if {$itype eq "ico"} { puts [format "%-*s%s : %s" $longestName $fname $type $w] } else { puts [format "%-*s%s : %s x %s" $longestName $fname $type [commify $w] [commify $h]] } } exit ====== <> Graphics | File