The IMG package by [Jan Nijtmans] provides the handling of several image formats beyond the standard formats in Tk. The formats supported by Img 1.2.4 (the latest stable version) are: * [BMP] * [XBM] * [XPM] * [GIF] (with transparency, but without [LZW], due to patent restrictions) * [PNG] * [JPEG] * [TIFF] * [postscript] The Img homepage can be found here: [] Sources available at [SourceForge]: Img is bundled as part of ActiveState's [ActiveTcl] binary distributions. ---- [LV] Does Img work with Tk 8.4 ? [AK] It should. I remember that I did an experimental build of ActiveTcl against 8.4cvs and the compilation went through without a hitch. ---- I often have a need to convert from one graphics format to another. As long as I have ActiveTcl around, the chore is easy; all I need is a script on the order of package require Img cd /temp foreach file [glob *.bmp] { set root [file rootname $file] set image [image create photo -file $file] foreach {format suffix} {JPEG jpg GIF gif PNG png} { $image write $root.$suffix -format $format } } ---- [['Would be valuable to compare its capabilities with [Xbit]'s.]] ---- '''Capture a window into an image''' (screenshot) (posted by Mark G. Saye in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]): proc capture {W format file} { set image [image create photo -format window -data $W] $image write -format $format $file puts "capture -> '$file' ([file size $file] bytes)" image delete $image } package require -exact Img 1.2.4 set top .t toplevel $top frame $top.f pack $top.f -fill both -expand 1 label $top.f.hello -text "Hello World" pack $top.f.hello -s top -e 0 -f none -padx 10 -pady 10 update bind $top [list capture $top gif capture.gif] ---- Saves a white image only, however ;-(. [Paul Obermeier] has this: proc canvas2Photo { canvId } { # The following line grabs the contents of the canvas canvId into photo image ph. set retVal [catch {image create photo -format window -data $canvId} ph] if { $retVal != 0 } { puts "\n\tFATAL ERROR: Cannot create photo from canvas window" exit 1 } return $ph } [RS] experimented with this and found that it can convert [canvas], [text] and [listbox] widgets, but not a compound [toplevel]. Hence, the name might better be ''widget2photo''... or, by using default error handlers, be simplified to an [interp] alias: interp alias {} capture {} image create photo -format window -data ---- [[ [Category Package] | [Category Graphics] ]]