The current state can be found at []. The [msgcat] package provides internationalization on the script level. This functionality is missing on the C function side. May be something like the following idea could be incorporated in the core. [msgcat] uses dictionaries to save the translation strings. Access to nested dictionaries is not (yet?) exposed. So the msgcat::ns function saves the available translation strings in an array. The function should be called after setting the locale (can be done with a trace on msgcat::Loclist) and after setting the translation strings. ====== proc ::msgcat::ns {ns src} { variable Msgs variable Loclist if {[string range $ns 0 1] ne {::}} {set ns ::$ns} namespace eval $ns {} catch {unset $ns} array set $ns {} foreach loc $Loclist { if {[dict exists $Msgs $loc $ns]} { dict for {key value} [dict get $Msgs $loc $ns] { if {![info exists $ns($key)]} {set $ns($key) $value} } } } } ====== C-function to get a translated string. ====== const char *Tcl_Msg(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *ns; Tcl_Obj *text) { Tcl_Obj *myVar; myVar = Tcl_ObjGetVar2(interp, ns, text, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (myVar == NULL) { return (Tcl_GetString(text)); } else { return (Tcl_GetString(myVar)); } } ====== C-Extension (p.e. 'Ext1' in namespace 'ext1') ====== Tcl_Interp *myInterp; /* used interpreter */ Tcl_Obj *myNs; /* used namespace, also name of array variable to hold translation strings * #define EXT1_MSG(text) Tcl_Msg(myInterp,myNs,Tcl_SetStringObj(myText,text,-1)) int Ext1_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) { ... myInterp = interp; myNs = Tcl_GetStringObj("::ext1",-1); } void Ext1_command() { printf(EXT1_MSG("some dummy text at line %d",__LINE__); } ====== Find all translation strings of extension 'Ext1' with: ====== proc findstrings {function cfiles} { set regex $function append regex {[ \t]*\([ \t]*("(?:\\"|[^"])[ \t]*)} foreach f $cfiles { set fd [open $f r] set c [read $fd] close $fd foreach {x text} [regexp -all -inline $regex $c] {puts $text} } } findstrings EXT1_MSG [glob *.c] ====== <>Category Characters | Category Human Language | Category Local