Hi Im Siqsuruq, im pretty new to this great community. One month ago ive started to develop little invoicing software using TCL/TK and PostgreSQL. I wondering if somebody is interested in helping me. Later on ill post a link to repository, for now you can contact me on admin(@)msysc(dot)org ---- '''[Siqsuruq] - 2011-01-06 17:50:18''' Hi TCL community. Basically i don't need particular help with development. One friend of mine, told me once that programming has to be fun, so I just looking for people who is interested to work with me and have fun. Here you can find gziped code. http://www.msysc.org/down/daidze.tar.gz%|%Daidze%|% Unpack it, create database (sql script inside db folder), change username and password inside ./incl/pgdb_class, run ./main.tcl. Give me opinion, critic, anything will be appreciated. Thanks P.S. Sorry my English, and Arjen sorry for email, I finally got basic idea of this wiki ;) Or may be not :( ---- '''[tclbliss] - 2011-01-07''' Well, I did not look at your software yet, but there is an obvious question - Why does a "little" invoice software need a "big" database server like PostgreSQL? Sqlite should be good enough. ---- '''[Siqsuruq] - 2011-01-09 15:56:32''' Just today I was asked the same question. My choice of PostgreSQL is simple, ive never worked with SQLite, but got some experience with PostgreSQL. And I believe my software will grow later. ---- '''[siqsuruq] - 2011-02-13 21:14:24''' Hi, I have one question. This code will rise error ====== can't read "a": no such variable while executing "send_v $a" ====== My question, how can I send local variable from proc with button -command? ====== proc send_v {a} { puts $a } proc test {} { set a 1 pack [ttk::checkbutton .b -variable tax::rep -onvalue 1] -side top -padx 2 -fill y pack [button .b2 -image [image create photo -file [file join img delete.png]] -relief flat -command {send_v $a}] -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 } ====== [APN]: replace -command {send_v $a} with -command [[list send_v $a]]. <>Business software