[TV] ''apr 16 03 13:16'' I was wondering how to find matching brackets, or braces would be fine too, I guess even quotes would do, in *ANY* syntactically corrent tcl/tk script? I mean preferably a way which is applicable to any code which can be fed to the interpreters, I mean complete general applicability, including comments. I tried various things as in [bwise] amoung which some working methods, but I need a nice proc for a simple enough application, like the tml pages I want to generate html pages from a html + tcl extended page in a text editor. While I'm asking, maybe there is a tcl coded tcl parser of some generality somewhere to be downloaded? ---- 1 I use [frink] to do checking for brackets, braces, etc. 1 I also use [TDK]'s procheck - formerly I used [TclPro]'s version. 1 See also [bracechecker]