JTcl is an implementation of Tcl written in Java. JTcl implements a large extent of Tcl 8.4 syntax and commands, limited only by API restrictions of the Java Virtual Machine. JTcl is based on the [Jacl] interpreter. JTcl website: http://jtcl.kenai.com/ JTcl 2.5.0 is released as of July 1, 2013. For a list of changes from the previous version, see: http://jtcl.kenai.com/news.html http://jtcl.kenai.com/docs/jtcl-swank-paper.pdf%|%JTcl and Swank: What's new with Tcl and Tk on the JVM%|%. Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2011). <>Tcl Implementations