''This is one of the [Project Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2009%|%GSoC 2009 Projects%|%].'' The Jacl Modernization project efforts have been incorporated into the [JTcl Interpreter]. ---- **Jacl Modernization** ***Project Release Notes*** [http://wiki.tcl.tk/23201%|%Jacl Modernization Project%|%] <
> Google Summer of Code 2009 ---- ****Comments**** Dan Bodoh 2010-11-26: The [Jtcl Interpreter] has been released, which continued the Jacl Modernization work. See [http://http://jtcl.kenai.com]. [NEM]: Note that there is an initial implementation of [dict] for [Jacl] at [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1531490&group_id=13005&atid=313005] that could be used as a starting point for this command. IIRC, around 90% functionality was implemented. Some polish and performance tuning required, and possibly bringing up to date with current source. <
> [RS] 2009-06-09: Re the [load] command, the main page says: ''Note: This command is designed to load C coded extensions into Tcl. Jacl instead uses specialized commands to load Java extensions, "jaclloadjava", "jaclloaditcl", etc.'' - I think it would be more Tclish to implement a single [load] command, which maybe can only do Java and ITcl, but looks and feels like its counterpart. ---- ****Reports**** '''2009-11-20''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> See JACL Project's page at SF : https://sourceforge.net/projects/tcljava/ <
> Mo Dejong's worked on integrating my source code due to wrong formatting and other non-semantic issues. I think the next offcial release is waitng for implementation of trace cmd and channel i/o. Unfortunately, I don't have so much time for JACL, now. Other university's projects, master of thesis etc. Anyway, Jacl Modernization project was a great step towards new release. '''2009-08-07''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> New Regex API was created. It uses java.util.regex package.<
> Source code avaiable here: [http://tcljava.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tcljava/tcljava/src/jacl/tcl/lang/Regex.java?revision=1.2&view=markup]<
> `regexp` and `regsub` commands with all of Tcl8.4 switches were implemented with new Regex API. '''2009-07-23''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> `scan %u`,`scan %i` and `scan %n` were implemented. <
> In addition, there was needed to create a new class TclWideInteger (tcljava package) that stores an unsigned int (%u) value in 'long' variable. This class is implements InternalRep interface (the same like in TclList, TclDouble, etc.) All modifiers were tested with Tcl8.4 scan test suite. '''2009-07-16''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> I've changed the result of `file atime` cmd. It returned the same thing as `file mtime` what can be misleading. Apps that depend on the accestime can simply not be ported to Java now (without JNI) it will work in Java 1.7. Currently, an error is thrown: <
> "sorry, "file atime" is not available due to JVM restrictions."<
> The error is thrown in `attributes`, `link`, `lstat`, `readlink`, `system` file options, too.<
> In addition, atime attribute was removed from `file stat` result. <
> `file channel ?pattern?` implemented. <
> `file separator ?name?` added. <
> `file normalize name` works, too. '''2009-07-09''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> Tests and fixing bugs of heretofore work. <
> The work on glob -types, -tails, -path switches and expr cmd will be continued now. '''2009-07-07''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> `lset varName ?index...? newValue` was implemented. Tested with simple tests: <
> % set x [list [list a b c] [list d e f] [list g h i]] % => {a b c} {d e f} {g h i} % lset x {j k l} => j k l % lset x {} {j k l} => j k l % lset x 0 j => j {d e f} {g h i} % lset x 2 j => {a b c} {d e f} j % lset x end j => {a b c} {d e f} j % lset x end-1 j => {a b c} j {g h i} % lset x 2 1 j => {a b c} {d e f} {g j i} % lset x {2 1} j => {a b c} {d e f} {g j i} % lset x {2 3} j => list index out of range <
> `namespace exists name` added. Tested with corresponding Tcl 8.4.19 test suite. <
> `lsort -unique` , `lsort -end-$i` was implemented. In class TclObjectBase 'equals' method was overrided to compare TclObjects. Parameter 'unique' was added in TclList.sort method. <
> `unset -nocomplain` , `unset --` added. <
> <
> The minimum of the midterm evaluation goals have been completed! <
> '''2009-06-22''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> `lsearch -all`, `lsearch -not`, `lsearch -inline`, `lsearch -start` now available! <
> '''2009-06-18''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> `info tclversion` and `info patchlevel` now report "8.4" and "8.4.0", respectively. However, there's no Tcl 8.4 compilance level YET ;) <
> <
> [RLH] Is there a reasoning behind targeting 8.4? <
> [rszulgo] At the end of this summer Jacl is going to be 8.4 compliant. It's one of the many steps to achive that.<
> [TP] We are targeting 8.4 for the 2009 GSOC project largely due to the fact that there is a considerable amount of work just to bring Jacl up to 8.4 compliance. In other words, there is plenty of work to be done by one student working one summer. If time permits, select 8.5 features will also be addressed. I am all for more hands working to bring Jacl up to date after the 2009 GSOC project is finished. <
> <
> <
> `info functions` implemented! It returns the list of math functions currently defined (Tcl 8.4) matching an optional pattern.<
> <
> `interp recursionlimit path ?limit?` added (master)<
> `slave recursionlimit` added.<
> In conseqence, the `maxDepthLevel` is inherited from the parent process. <
> <
> Still working on glob -types, -tails, -path switches. '''2009-06-16''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> Major changes in `glob` cmd implementation <
> `glob -directory` added.<
> `glob -join` added.<
> fixed non-reported bug: `glob /bin/` returns `/bin` whereas in Tcl `/bin/` <
> <
> Working on -types, -tails, -path switches now. '''2009-06-08''' by ''[rszulgo]'' <
> `array statistics` are made depracated and will not be implemented in Jacl.<
> `clock` format %g and %G added (ISO 8601 2 and 4 digits year format) ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Java] |% !!!!!!