[SS] 18Mar2005 '''Important:''' before trying these examples, be sure you have the latest version of Jim available. There were many bugs in past versions that may prevent some of this examples to work properly. This page is a simple introduction to one of the [Jim] features: [closures]. Actually closures in Jim are the sum of many features: * [lambda] * [static variables] with context capturing * [garbage collection] '''Anonymous procedures''' Jim has a [lambda] command that creates anonymous procedures. Actually they are not unnamed at all, just a random name is assigned to procedures crated using the [lambda] command: . set f [lambda x {+ $x $x}] .00000000000000000000> . $f 10 20 . $f 5 10 lambda does not need the ''name'' of the procedure as argument, the name assigned to the created procedure is instead the return value. Unlike normal procedures, anonymous procedures in Jim are ''garbage collected''. You don't need to delete them in some explicit way, as long they are no longer referenced they are automatically destroyed. In other words just don't bother to free what [lambda] returns and you will do the right thing. [AvL]: When exactly does the GC step in? And how does it know about strings containing a reference to some object? Does it scan through all strings before and after they are being modified? '''Static variables''' Static variables are a set of variables relative to a given procedure that are persisent across calls. In other words, static vars are the ''state'' of a procedure. In order to create a procedure with static vars, what is needed is to pass an additional argument to the [proc] command: proc counter {} {{x 0}} { incr x } As you can see just after the ''arguments list'', that is empty in the example, there is the list of static vars associated with the procedure. The syntax used to specify ''default arguments'' here is used to specify the initial value of the variable. Because the variable is persistent, the initial value must either be specified or a variable of same name must exist in the context and its current value is used. (wording modified by [AvL]) This is an interactive usage of the '''counter''' procedure: . counter 1 . counter 2 . counter 3 Every time I call the procedure, the static '''x''' is incremented, and the value is returned to the caller. Statics are automatically destroyed when a procedure is destroyed. '''Context capturing''' In Jim the initialization of static variables is mandatory, but if the initialization value is not provided directly as in the above example, it is "captured" from a local variable having the same name of the static variable. So the above '''counter''' procedure can be written also in this form: set x 0 proc counter {} x { incr x } The initialization value was not specified, so it is obtained from the value of the '''x''' variable that appears in the context where [proc] was called. If no local '''x''' variable exists, an error is generated by the proc command. ''[NEM]: Just to clarify what is meant by capturing here, is the local variable just used to obtain the initial value, or is there a link. In other words, what does the following print:'' set x 0 proc counter {} x { incr x } counter puts "x = $x" ''[jcw] - 0, i.e. value is used as initial value for local persistent x.'' ''[SS]: exactly, like jcw wrote, the local variable is only used to obtain the value, there is no reference between the context variable and the static, so there is no way for a closure to indirectly modify the local x variable. Of course closures are [upvar] and [uplevel] capable, but that's another story''. '''Closures''' Static variables can also be used with ''anonymous procedures'' in exactly the same way. This allows one to write the following procedure that '''creates''' a counter anonymous procedure: proc make-counter {} { set count 0 lambda {} count { set count [+ $count 1] } } Usage example: . set a [make-counter] .00000000000000000001> . $a 1 . $a 2 . $a 3 Note how similar the Jim procedure is compared to the scheme version: (define (make-counter) (let ((count 0)) (lambda () (set! count (+ count 1)) count))) In pratice, Jim supports something very similar to lexical scoping, but the semantics are much simpler than the one in the Scheme programming language because the user only needs to know about static variables and the feature of capturing a copy from the context to initialize statics. We can make the counter procedure smarter, allowing us to specify an initialization value: proc make-counter initval { set count $initval lambda {} count { set count [+ $count 1] } } Usage example: . set b [make-counter 10] .00000000000000000002> . $b 11 . $b 12 ---- [LV] Is there a way to define the proc to ''optionally'' supply the initialization? That is, if I supply it, use it, but if I don't, then set to a default? That is, without making use of the '''copy value from local variable''' behavior? [AvL]: You mean the case where where no value is given for a var and the var does not exist in proc-definition scope? I think it's ok to throw an error then. ---- '''More examples''' The following is a more complex example of closure that uses another feature of Jim: arrays are not collection of variables but [dict]ionaries. So an array is just a list with an even number of elements, and you can still use $var($index) form and so on. A very small example before to introduce the new closure example: . set foo [list x 1 y 2] x 1 y 2 . puts $foo(x) 1 . puts $foo(y) 2 . set foo(z) 5 5 . puts $foo x 1 y 2 z 5 It's simple Tcl arrays done The Right Way ;). [AvL]: it's simple only because jim does not yet have any hook-mechanism to watch for changes in variables's values (traces in tcl, that is). Does upvar work with dict-elements in jim? Of course because in Jim arrays are values like any other thing a Jim static can contain an array (that is, a dictionary). So we can create a '''make-words-counter''' procedure that returns a closure that is able to count the number occurrences of words: proc make-words-counter {} { lambda word {{dictionary {}}} { if {$word eq {}} { return $dictionary } if {![info exists dictionary($word)]} { set dictionary($word) 0 } incr dictionary($word) } } Now we can create a words counter, and use it to count words: . set d [make-words-counter] .00000000000000000000> . $d apple 1 . $d foo 1 . $d bar 1 . $d bar 2 . $d bar 3 . $d apple 2 . $d {} apple 2 foo 1 bar 3 Called with the empty string the words counter will return the full dictionary. Usually it returns the number of occurrences of the input word. As usually we don't need to worry about freeing it at all. '''Closures as objects''' Closures are, after all, code with associated data; this is why they are somewhat similar to objects. The following is the usual bank account example done with Jim closures: proc make-bank-account {} { lambda {method args} {{balance 0}} { switch $method { see {set balance} deposit {incr balance [lindex $args 0]} withdraw {set balance [- $balance [lindex $args 0]]} default {error "unknown method $method"} } } } Usage: . set a [make-bank-account] .00000000000000000000> . $a deposit 100 100 . $a deposit 50 150 . $a withdraw 15 135 . $a see 135 Of course it's possible to have multiple bank accounts, and every bank account will be independent, and as usual, objects done this way are automatically garbage collected. '''Limits''' Because Jim closures work capturing a '''copy''' of the context variable, they are not fully equivalent to Scheme's closures. For example, see the following Scheme program: (define count 0) (define (make-counter) (lambda () (set! count (+ count 1)) count)) We now try to use it from an interactive mzScheme session: > (define f (make-counter)) > (define g (make-counter)) > (f) 1 > (f) 2 > (g) 3 > (g) 4 As you can see '''f''' and '''g''' are sharing the same 'counter'. The same code in Jim has a different effect: set count 0 proc make-counter {} { global count lambda {} count { set count [+ $count 1] } } Let's try to use it in Jim this time: . set f [make-counter] .00000000000000000000> . set g [make-counter] .00000000000000000001> . $f 1 . $f 2 . $g 1 . $g 2 As you can see the two closures are working with a private copy of '''count'''. The Scheme behaviour is useful when there is the need to return multiple closures acting as methods of a single object: they share the unbound variables. In Jim the same effect is obtained using the first argument of the returned closure as a method, like in the bank account example above. '''Breaking limits''' But Jim has references! That is, tags associated to values, similar to dicts, but garbage collected (the whole Jim GC system is based on references). So we can have the same behaviour of Scheme if needed: set countRef [ref 0 int] proc make-counter {} { global countRef lambda {} countRef { setref $countRef [+ [getref $countRef] 1] } } set f [make-counter] set g [make-counter] (note: The idea to use references to render the Scheme example was proposed by [RS]). It will probably be useful to add a page about '''Jim References''' ASAP. [AvL]: looking forward to it. I don't yet grasp them (especially, why they have a type '''int''' attached to them). Right, this sounds strange... so I'll at least explain now the "int" thing. A reference is just a name on the form > associated to a string, but this name is generated by Jim itself when you create a reference: . set r [ref "hello there!" string] .00000000000000000001> The first version of Jim returned something like: :reference:0000....1: Then I realized that in interactive hacking is not too nice to have reference names in this form, you have no clue about what they contains at all. So I added a third mandatory argument to the '''ref''' command that is used to create a reference, you have to specify a "tag", that's just a litte description of what the reference contains. This has no semantical meaning at all, it is only used to build the reference name. So for example [lambda] will use "functio" as reference: . lambda x {+ $x $x} .00000000000000000002> And so on. It is a feature needed for interactive hacking and at debugging time. The language itself may execute every kind of program involving references without to use tags at all. ---- [Category Jim] - [Category Functional Programming]