Jörg Mehring<
> SESAM Microcomputer GmbH<
> Germany ---- My contributions: * [Filtering measurement values with a 1D Kalman filter] * [SAP NetWeaver RFC Tcl-API] * [Test-Picture Generator] * [SerWatch - serial port protocol analyzer library] * [pdf4tcl::graph - BLT/RBC commands for the pdf4tcl library] * [Measuring Brinell Hardness with Hough Transformation using VecTcl] * [Natural local drag&drop for tablelist mega widget] * [Small algorithm for calculating German holidays] * [TDBC Driver for Oratcl 4.5 Database Connector] * [TeslaClimate - Climate your Tesla using a Tcl Script] mailto: j.mehring ät sesam-gmbh.de You are free to use any code I have contributed to this wiki under the terms of the BSD-3 license. <> Tcl'ers | Person