[TV] I played an hour with a server and a cgi tcl script to create a Jukebox accessable from the web (A Nokia Communicator with always on internet or some portable computer) to have a big list of songs on a page to click-and-play. The server where this image is on, too: [Image TV Wiki jukebox.png] has a lot of music files stored on it (about 2k songs from legally rented CDs, and never shared with anyone, and it stays that way) and it would be handy to sit somewhere (like in the garden) and click a song to play it on my big audio system, isn't it? So I made these two Tcl scripts, one in the /var/www/cgi directory called mus.tcl: ====== #!/bin/sh # \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" # puts stdout "Content-type: text/html\n" puts stdout "" puts stdout "This page lets you play a music file on my server." puts stdout "

" flush stdout if {[catch {set s [socket localhost 4328]}] != 0} { puts stdout "The jukebox is inactive!" puts stdout "

www.theover.org" puts stdout "" flush stdout exit } set n -1 if {[string compare $env(QUERY_STRING) ""] != 0} { set n [lindex [split $env(QUERY_STRING) \#] 0] puts $s $n flush $s } { puts $s -1 flush $s } set j 0 foreach i [glob /somepath/Music/*.wav] { if {$n != $j} { puts stdout "$j [string range [lindex [split $i .] 0] [string length "/somepath/Music/"] end]
" } { puts stdout " $j [string range [lindex [split $i .] 0] [string length "/somepath/Music/"] end]
" } flush stdout incr j } puts stdout "done" puts stdout "

www.theover.org" puts stdout "" flush stdout exit Using the Apache 2 server this seems to run fine, and without the next script running simply returns "Jukebox not active", without doing anything, otherwise it lists the audio files, and communicates the number of the clicked file to the server script. In a normal user (the one with acces to the audio hardware, being the logged in one) bash shell I start this server script which plays the requested audio file using mplayer (which must be installed of course): set ma [glob /somepath/Music/*.wav] set ss [socket -server servmus 4328] proc servmus { s i p } { global ma after 2000 close $s set n [read $s 10] puts $n flush stdout if {$n == -1} return catch {exec killall mplayer} puts [lindex $ma $n] flush stdout exec mplayer -quiet -ao alsa:noblock:device=hw=0 -cache 4096 [lindex $ma $n] & } vwait forever ====== Presto! Of course I am aware of the need to change something about the names being put on the list page, such that all kinds of html problems are prevented. I guess at least quotes should be replaced. But hey, this is a editable wiki, have a go at it! <> Internet | Multimedia