As a resident of another wiki ( to whom [Julian Marcel Noble]'s attention sometimes unfortunately turns, I find myself wishing there was some content here. Not that I personally need any further evidence of his digital ugliness, but it may have been nice to have somewhere to point to when *suggesting* to other people that they may want to join the ranks of those who like to ignore him - and see the great benefit that can be derived for a community when everyone resists the temptation to chew on his foul bait. Sure - It's nice to think you can offer people a clean slate, and that they shouldn't forever be dogged by the misdeeds of their past - but this man is quite simply disruptive and unpleasant, and persistently so. I'm not suggesting that it's WikiT responsibility to provide a warning to other communities - even though he does seem to claim this as his home turf; presumably each group will have to weather the storm in their own way and decide if & how they'll educate their members as to possible ways of dealing with him. Hmm.. evil thought for today, perhaps we need to work out what it is that attracts him to us, and introduce him to (infect?) other communities so as to further dilute his whirlwind rampages? [Robert Abitbol] [JMN] Plagiarism noted thanks Robert.. ( but that's ok.. I hereby release the text as Public Domain anyway. What a hypocritical pity neither of us seem to be able to follow it's advice to ignore!