I struggled for a couple of hours on just the basics of creating a package and getting it found. No matter what I tried, I kept getting the annoying and uninformative error: Error in startup script: can't find package FooBar 1.0 Here is the bare minimum of what I had to do to create a new package called FooBar and have it found: * Create a package file called FooBar.tcl. * Populate that file with the package code, following the conventions in [William Duquette]'s tutorial on 'Namespaces and Packages' [http://www.wjduquette.com/tcl/namespaces.html]. * Change directories into the directory where FooBar.tcl resides, and do this echo pkg_mkIndex -verbose . FooBar.tcl | tclsh8.4 which creates a pkgIndex.tcl file so that "package require" works. tclsh8.4 should be changed to the location of where your tclsh executable resides, but this worked on Tcl 8.4.1. * Make sure TCLLIBPATH is exported in the wrapper shell script that invokes tclsh on your Tcl script. I used a wrapper script because I wanted to change the environment to point to a more recent build of Tcl and Tk that reside in a different directory than in their standard locations. * Inside the script that needs the FooBar package, have it require the package: package require FooBar 1.0 where the 1.0 corresponds to the package provide command that should be inside the FooBar.tcl file.