Version 7 of L-system 2D

Updated 2015-06-13 12:08:03 by pooryorick

GS 2010-06-06:

L-system is a mathematical formalism proposed by the Hungarian biologist Aristid Lindenmayer in 1968 to describe the growth patterns of plants. It is used in computer graphics for realistic modelling of plants and to draw fractals.

L-systems is a syntactic sets of rules and symbols, i.e. a language, that models growth processes. It uses Logo-style turtle graphics . A complex structure is defined recursively by a text substitution scheme with a geometric interpretation.

Turtle interpretation:

Move forward a step and draw a line
Move forward a step without drawing a line
Rotate counterclockwise by an angle
Rotate clockwise by an angle
Push data into stack
Pop data outside stack


# lsystem2d.tcl
# Author:      Gerard Sookahet
# Date:        06 Jun 2010
# Description: 2D Lindemeyer system (L-system) to draw factal curves 
#              from a formal grammar 

package require Tk 8.5
package require tile

bind all <Escape> {exit}

# -------------------------------------------------
# Define grammar
proc DefineGrammar {} {
    global grammar

    set alphabet {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890+-[]}
    for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $alphabet]} {incr i} {
        set grammar([string index $alphabet $i]) {}

    set grammar(F)  DrawObject
    set grammar(+)  RotateLeft
    set grammar(-)  RotateRight
    set grammar(\[) PushData
    set grammar(\]) PopData
    set grammar(f)  MoveForward

# -------------------------------------------------
# Stack procedures
proc Push { e } {
    global stack top
    set stack($top) $e
    incr top

proc Pop {} {
    global stack top
    if {$top == 0} return {}
    incr top -1
    set e $stack($top)
    unset stack($top)
    return $e

# -------------------------------------------------
# F : move forward a step and draw a line
proc DrawObject {} {
    global x0 y0 step a0 lcoord

    set a [expr {.01745329 * $a0}]
    set x1 [expr {$x0 + $step * cos($a)}]
    set y1 [expr {$y0 - $step * sin($a)}]
    lappend lcoord $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1
    set x0 $x1
    set y0 $y1

# + : rotate counterclockwise by an angle
proc RotateLeft {} {
    global angle a0
    set a0 [expr {$a0 + $angle}]

# - : rotate clockwise by an angle
proc RotateRight {} {
    global angle a0
    set a0 [expr {$a0 - $angle}]

# f : move forward a step without drawing a line
proc MoveForward {} {
    global x0 y0 step a0
    set a [expr {.01745329 * $a0}]
    set x1 [expr {$x0 + $step * cos($a)}]
    set y1 [expr {$y0 - $step * sin($a)}]
    set x0 $x1
    set y0 $y1

# [ : push data into stack
proc PushData {} {
    global x0 y0 step angle a0
    Push $x0
    Push $y0
    Push $step
    Push $a0
    Push $angle

# ] : pop data outside stack
proc PopData {} {
    global x0 y0 step angle a0
    set angle [Pop]
    set a0    [Pop]
    set step  [Pop]
    set y0    [Pop]
    set x0    [Pop]

# -------------------------------------------------
# Perform iteration over the rules
# Parse the result
proc Production {w iterations axiom} {
    global grammar trules lcoord
    global x0 y0 a0 name
    $w.c delete all
    set x $x0
    set y $y0
    set a $a0
    set rules {}
    set lcoord {}
    for {set i 1} {$i <= 3} {incr i} {
        lappend rules $trules(v,$i) $trules(p,$i)}
    for {set i 0} {$i < $iterations} {incr i} {
        foreach {v p} $rules { regsub -all $v $axiom $p axiom }
    for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $axiom]} {incr i} {
        eval $grammar([string index $axiom $i])
    Draw $lcoord
    set x0 $x
    set y0 $y
    set a0 $a

# -------------------------------------------------
# Init parameters
proc Init {} {
    global x0 y0 step angle a0 name lcoord W H w
    global iterations lsys stack top
    global axiom rules trules

    catch {unset stack}
    set lcoord {}

    set W 512
    set H 512
    for {set i 1} {$i <= 3} {incr i} {
        set trules(v,$i) {}
        set trules(p,$i) {}
    set name {}
    set angle 60
    set step 400
    set x0 0
    set y0 -235
    set a0 60
    set iterations 3
    set axiom F++F++F
    set rules {F {F-F++F-F}}
    set i 0
    foreach {v p} $rules {
        incr i
        set trules(v,$i) $v
        set trules(p,$i) $p
    set top 0
    array set stack {}
    set stack($top) 0

# -------------------------------------------------
# Define optimal view and draw lsystem
proc Draw { l } {
    global W H

    set lx {}
    set ly {}
    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} $l {
        lappend lx $x0 $x1
        lappend ly $y0 $y1
    set lx [lsort -real $lx]
    set ly [lsort -real $ly]
    set maxx [lindex $lx end]
    set minx [lindex $lx 0]
    set maxy [lindex $ly end]
    set miny [lindex $ly 0]
    set Dx [expr {$maxx - $minx}]
    set Dy [expr {$maxy - $miny}]
    set w [expr {$W / $Dx}]
    set h [expr {$H / $Dy}]
    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} $l {
        set xx0 [expr {$w * ($x0 - $minx)}]
        set yy0 [expr {$h * ($y0 - $miny)}]
        set xx1 [expr {$w * ($x1 - $minx)}]
        set yy1 [expr {$h * ($y1 - $miny)}]
        .lsys.c create line $xx0 $yy0 $xx1 $yy1 -width 1 -fill darkgreen

# -------------------------------------------------
# Examples
proc ReadData {w s} {
    global x0 y0 step angle a0 name
    global iterations axiom rules trules

    $w.c delete all
    set name $s
    switch -exact $s {
        {Koch snowflake} {
            lassign {3 400 60 60 0 -235} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F++F++F
            set rules {F {F-F++F-F}}
        {Koch quadratic} {
            lassign {3 3 90 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F-F-F-F
            set rules {F {FF-F-F-F-F-F+F}}
        {Koch star} {
            lassign {3 1 60 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F++F++F
            set rules {F {F+F--F+F}}
        {Koch curve 3} {
            lassign {3 1 90 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F-F-F-F
            set rules {F {FF-F+F-F-FF}}
        Shrub {
            lassign {6 230 90 0 0 -230} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom X
            set rules {F {FF} \
                X {F[+X]F[+X]-X}}
        Bush {
            lassign {3 1 16 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom ++++F
            set rules {F {FF-[-F+F+F]+[+F-F-F]}}
        Island {
            lassign {2 1 90 90 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F+F+F+F
            set rules {F {F+f-FF+F+FF+Ff+FF-f+FF-F-FF-Ff-FFF} \
                       f {ffffff}}
        Arrowhead {
            lassign {4 1 60 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom YF
            set rules {X {YF+XF+Y} \
                       Y {XF-YF-X}}
        {Sierpinski gasket} {
            lassign {5 1 60 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom X
            set rules {
                F {FF}
                X {--FXF++FXF++FXF--}
        {Sierpinski gasket 1} {
            lassign {5 1 60 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F--F--F
            set rules {
                F {F--F--F--ff}
                f {ff}
        {Sierpinski square} {
            lassign {4 1 90 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F-F-F-F
            set rules {
                F {FF[-F-F-F]F}
        Pentigree {
            lassign {3 1 72 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F-F-F-F-F
            set rules {
                F {F-F++F+F-F-F}
        Hiwaymed {
            lassign {3 1 8 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom -X
            set rules {
                X {X+F+Y}
               Y {X-F-Y}
        Hilbert {
            lassign {4 1 90 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom X
            set rules {
                X {+YF-XFX-FY+}
                Y {-XF+YFY+FX-}
        Segment32 {
            lassign {2 1 90 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F
            set rules {
                F {-F+F-F-F+F+FF-F+F+FF+F-F-FF+FF-FF+F+F-FF-F-F+FF-F-F+F+F-F+}
        {Square curve} {
            lassign {5 1 90 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom X
            set rules {
                X {XF-F+F-XF+F+XF-F+F-X}
        {Heighway dragon} {
            lassign {8 1 90 45 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom FX
            set rules {
                X {X+YF}
                Y {FX-Y}
        {Levy C curve} {
            lassign {11 1 45 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F
            set rules {
                F {+F--F+}
        {Plant 1} {
            lassign {5 1 25 90 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom X
            set rules {
                X {F-[[X]+X]+F[+FX]-X}
                F {FF}
        {Plant 2} {
            lassign {6 1 20 70 256 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom X
            set rules {
                X {F[+X]F[-X]+X}
                F {FF}
        Carpet {
            lassign {4 1 90 0 256 512} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F-F-F-F
            set rules {
                F {F[F]-F+F[--F]+F-F}
        {Penrose snowflake} {
            lassign {3 1 18 0 0 0} iterations step angle a0 x0 y0 
            set axiom F----F----F----F----F
            set rules {
                F {F----F----F----------F++F----F}
    $w.c create text 10 10 -anchor w -text $name
    set i 0
    foreach {v p} $rules {
        incr i
        set trules(v,$i) $v
        set trules(p,$i) $p

proc About {} {
    set w .about
    catch {destroy $w}
    toplevel $w
    wm title $w {About lsystem 2D}
    message $w.msg -justify center -aspect 250 -relief sunken -bg blue \
        -fg white -text "2D Lsystem\n\nGerard Sookahet\n\nJune 2010"
    button $w.bquit -text { OK } -command {destroy .about}
    eval pack [winfo children $w]

proc Main { } {
    global x0 y0 step angle a0 W H w
    global iterations axiom lsys rules trules

    set w .lsys
    catch {destroy $w}
    toplevel $w
    wm withdraw .
    wm title $w {Lsystem 2D} 
    wm geometry $w +100+10
    pack [canvas $w.c -width $W -height $H -bg white]
    set f1 [frame $w.f1 -relief ridge -borderwidth 2]
    pack $f1 -fill x
    label $f1.l1 -text X0
    entry $f1.e1 -width 7 -textvariable x0
    label $f1.l2 -text { Y0}
    entry $f1.e2 -width 7 -textvariable y0
    label $f1.l3 -text { Step}
    entry $f1.e3 -width 4 -textvariable step
    label $f1.l4 -text { Angle}
    entry $f1.e4 -width 4 -textvariable angle
    label $f1.l5 -text { A0}
    entry $f1.e5 -width 4 -textvariable a0
    label $f1.l6 -text { iterations}
    entry $f1.e6 -width 4 -textvariable iterations
    eval pack [winfo children $f1] -side left
    set f2 [frame $w.f2 -relief ridge -borderwidth 2]
    pack $f2 -fill x
    set f21 [frame $f2.f21 -borderwidth 2]
    label $f21.l1 -text Axiom
    entry $f21.e1 -width 14 -textvariable axiom
    label $f21.l2 -text { }
    set l {
        {Koch snowflake}
        {Koch quadratic}
        {Koch star}
        {Koch curve 3}
        {Sierpinski gasket}
        {Sierpinski gasket 1}
        {Sierpinski square}
        {Heighway dragon}
        {Levy C curve}
        {Square curve}
        {Plant 1}
        {Plant 2}
        {Penrose snowflake}
    ttk::combobox $f21.sp -values $l -textvariable lsys
    $f21.sp set {Koch snowflake}
    bind $f21.sp <<ComboboxSelected>> {ReadData $w $lsys}

    grid $f21.l1 -column 0 -row 1
    grid $f21.e1 -column 1 -row 1
    grid $f21.l2 -column 0 -row 2
    grid $f21.sp -columnspan 2 -row 3
    set f22 [frame $f2.f22 -borderwidth 2]
    label $f22.l1 -text rules_1
    entry $f22.ev1 -width 6  -textvariable trules(v,1)
    entry $f22.ep1 -width 44 -textvariable trules(p,1)
    label $f22.l2  -text rules_2
    entry $f22.ev2 -width 6  -textvariable trules(v,2)
    entry $f22.ep2 -width 44 -textvariable trules(p,2)
    label $f22.l3 -text rules_3
    entry $f22.ev3 -width 6  -textvariable trules(v,3)
    entry $f22.ep3 -width 44 -textvariable trules(p,3)
    grid $f22.l1  -column 0 -row 1
    grid $f22.ev1 -column 1 -row 1
    grid $f22.ep1 -column 2 -row 1
    grid $f22.l2  -column 0 -row 2
    grid $f22.ev2 -column 1 -row 2
    grid $f22.ep2 -column 2 -row 2
    grid $f22.l3  -column 0 -row 3
    grid $f22.ev3 -column 1 -row 3
    grid $f22.ep3 -column 2 -row 3
    eval pack [winfo children $f2] -side left

    set f4 [frame $w.f4 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2]
    pack $f4 -fill x
    button $f4.bu -text Run -width 6 -bg blue -fg white \
        -command {Production $w $iterations $axiom}
    button $f4.bc -text Clear -width 6 -bg blue -fg white \
        -command [list $w.c delete all]
    button $ -text About -width 6 -bg blue -fg white -command About
    button $ -text Quit -width 5 -bg blue -fg white -command exit
    eval pack [winfo children $f4] -side left


See Also

Artificial life