Version 4 of LabVIEW

Updated 2003-02-27 21:41:36

Product by National Instruments [L1 ] Allows programming in a language called G. Has well documented libraries that come in handy when you are solving all kinds of 'automation' problems.

  • Signal Processing
  • Image recognition
  • Maths
  • ...

Connects to many instruments/devices by the use of VISA,IVI,GPIB,TCP/IP or UDP,ActiveX... name it LabVIEW plays it.

Programming in LV is (even more) fun (than programming Tcl ;-)) because you do not need to type your program (G), you just draw it.

(The result is something that is sometimes called spagetti-code, in the real meaning of spagetti)

Check out [L2 ] for an impression of what it looks like.

The most fun part is that it can be glued together with Tcl by the use of tcom as mentioned in [L3 ] .