Incomes within countries typically follow a skewed distribution with a long high tail. It has been found that on average national income distributions fit a lognormal distribution [] pretty well []. Since I sometimes develop scenarios of income distribution and poverty as part of my work, I've put together a library for calculating standard poverty measures for income distributions. The input variables are: * ''yave'': mean per capita income * ''yc'': an income cutoff * ''p'': the proportion of people below the cutoff * ''x'': cumulative fraction of the population (for the Lorenz Curve []) * ''gini'': The Gini coefficient [] ## ## Lognormal income distributions ## ## Copyright 2007 Eric Kemp-Benedict ## Released under the No Obligation License (NOL): "No obligation to you, no obligation to me" namespace eval lognorm { # Maximum iterations for finding inverse normal variable maxiter 100 variable epsilon 1.0e-9 variable norminv_vals } proc lognorm::quicknorminv {p} { variable epsilon if {$p < $epsilon || $p > 1-$epsilon} { error "Value out of bounds for inverse normal: $p" return 0 } set sign -1 if {$p > 0.5} { set p [expr {1 - $p}] set sign 1 } set t [expr {sqrt(-2.0 * log($p))}] set a0 2.30753 set a1 0.27061 set b1 0.99229 set b2 0.04481 set num [expr {$a0 + $a1 * $t}] set denom [expr {1 + $b1 * $t + $b2 * $t * $t}] return [expr {$sign * ($t - $num/$denom)}] } proc lognorm::norminv {p} { variable maxiter variable epsilon variable norminv_vals if [info exists norminv_vals($p)] { return $norminv_vals($p) } set deltax [expr {100 * $epsilon}] # Initial value for x set x [quicknorminv $p] set niter 0 while {abs([::math::statistics::cdf-normal 0 1 $x] - $p) > $epsilon} { set pstar [::math::statistics::cdf-normal 0 1 $x] set pl [::math::statistics::cdf-normal 0 1 [expr {$x - $deltax}]] set ph [::math::statistics::cdf-normal 0 1 [expr {$x + $deltax}]] set x [expr {$x + 2.0 * $deltax * ($p - $pstar)/($ph - $pl)}] incr niter if {$niter == $maxiter} { error "Inverse normal distribution did not converge after $niter iterations" return {} } } # Cache the result to shorten the call in future set norminv_vals($p) $x return $x } # Gini must be 0..1 proc lognorm::gini2sdlog {gini} { set p [expr {0.5 * (1.0 + $gini)}] return [expr {sqrt(2.0) * [norminv $p]}] } proc lognorm::sdlog2gini {sdlog} { set x [expr {$sdlog/sqrt(2.0)}] return [expr {2.0 * [::math::statistics::cdf-normal 0 1 $x] - 1.0}] } # Ratio of median to mean proc lognorm::medmean_ratio {gini} { set sdlog [gini2sdlog $gini] return [expr {(-0.5 * $sdlog * $sdlog)}] } # Lorenz curve proc lognorm::L {x gini} { variable epsilon if {$x < $epsilon || $x > 1.0 - $epsilon} { return $x } set p [norminv $x] set sdlog [gini2sdlog $gini] return [::math::statistics::cdf-normal 0 1 [expr {$p - $sdlog}]] } proc lognorm::headcount {yc yave gini} { variable epsilon set sdlog [gini2sdlog $gini] set z [expr {1.0 * $yc / $yave}] if {$z < $epsilon} { return 0.0 } set x [expr {(1.0/$sdlog) * log($z) + 0.5 * $sdlog}] return [::math::statistics::cdf-normal 0 1 $x] } # poverty gap proc lognorm::gap {yc yave gini} { variable epsilon if {$yc < $epsilon * $yave} { return 0.0 } set hc [headcount $yc $yave $gini] set Lhc [L $hc $gini] return [expr {$hc - (1.0 * $yave/$yc) * $Lhc}] } # Inverse of headcount proc lognorm::cutoff {p yave gini} { variable epsilon if {$p < $epsilon} { return 0.0 } set sdlog [gini2sdlog $gini] set x [norminv $p] return [expr {$yave * exp($sdlog * ($x - 0.5 * $sdlog))}] }