Post your Tcl-related job offers here. Place new offers '''above the others''' and '''below this notice'''. ---- Date: '''May/June 2004''' Status: '''OPEN''' Posted by: [Robert Abitbol] deleted personal information; see: I am looking for a TCL/TK programmer to complete a TCL program. The previous programmer left the program totally '''undocumented''' (in fact without a single line of explanation) therefore understanding the code can be a problem. The program is a Personal Information Manager Editor. I can pay an hourly salary (deferred payment until September or November 2004) plus another part when I'll sell the program. A contract will be signed to avoid misunderstandings. I need an '''open-minded, mature, reliable and responsible programmer with some experience in the programming of a commercial software or with experience in developing a complete application from scratch. Experience in developing a commercial software is not a must. One of the good aspects of participating in this project is that it will give the programmer a solid experience in a commercial software and he/she will be able to mention it in his resumé apart from the great experience of working with one of the best analysts/designers of our times (myself). If the work is satisfactory I will write a letter of recommendation. Another way to proceed would be to do an estimate. Those are the modules left to be done: * Fix bugs in the program (not too many) * A module to view the contents of a directory * A simple A-Z sort of elements in a file * The preferences module (the user sets his preferences for colors, fonts etc.) * The mark-up (bold and italics are completed) * The search and the search and replace module * The help (very simple; it's only a link to a help page and I am writing the rest) * The page set up * The print * The time and date stamp ----- Contact me at: - - Better still, AIM me at Pnb120. If you don't have AIM, please install it. It's only 1.5 megs and it works very well. Thanks for your attention. ----- [Harry Robinson] Mister Abitbol, I spoke to Mister Staplin earlier on this wiki. He told me you were looking for a programmer to finish a project. I'll have my nephew Jonathan Forsythe aim you tomorrow and I'll have him send you his resume. He has a solid programming experience in C and C++ and he is currently learning TCl and Java. You might be interested in getting his services. Best wishes. (Harry Robinson May 26). ----- See also: [Tcl jobs] [[Category???]]