Post your Tcl-related job offers here. Place new offers '''above the others''' and '''below this notice'''. ---- Date: '''May/June 2004''' Status: '''OPEN''' Posted by: [Robert Abitbol] I am looking for a '''mature, stable and reliable''' TCL/TK programmer to complete a sort of editor written in TCL/TK. When I say mature, I mean 30 years old or over... Please, no young geeks. Not that I don't like young geeks but I had my share of problems with immature, unreliable, unprofessional, Mickey Mouse, young TCL geeks and I am not interested in repeating the experience. I will give the programmer '''a percentage of all my earnings for the program''' and some money (I am not rich). What is left to be done: - Fix a few things - A simple A-Z sort of elements in a file - The preferences module (the user sets his preferences for colors, fonts etc.) - A basic mark-up (bold and italics are completed) - The search and the search and replace module - The help (very simple; it's only a link to a help page and I am writing the rest) - The page set up - The print (possibly) - The time and date stamp - Installing the program from the CD (with Nullsoft) - Create an anti-piracy system I am very satisfied with TCL. I find it a very solid, very stable language. I am also willing to go with the flow here on WikiT and make some of my code available to all: the anti-piracy system for example or the search engine. [Robert Abitbol] ----- Contact me at: - - Better still, AIM me at Pnb120. If you don't have AIM, please install it. It's only 1.5 megs and it works very well. ---- It may only be 1.5 meg - but it is blocked at many sites, which means that installing it is useless at best. Frankly, even app installation is blocked at my site. ''I don't understand. What do you mean "it is blocked at many sites"? I have been using AIM for two years and it works very well.'' * "it" is a pronoun, referring in this case to the AOL Instant Messaging application. * "is blocked" is the present tense passive voice for the verb "to block", as in "to hinder" or "to stop the passage of". In context, it means the existence of a firewall that does not pass AIM traffic, and the lack of a proxy to get through the firewall. * "at" introduces the idea of a location. * "many" is a quantitative term, indicating more than "a few". It also implies less than "all". * "sites" here can be understood to refer to the network infrastructure at commercial or educational institutions. ''Talking about chat engines, [Stuart Cassoff] a well-known tecler has programmed his own private chat engine in TCL and it works very well.'' -- [Robert Abitbol] ---- Thanks for your attention. PS: Si vous êtes francophone, je ne dis pas non. Comme je n'ai jamais eu de programmeur francophone, ce serait donc une première! -----