'''[http://www.mathworks.com/products/%|%MATLAB]''' is a proprietary program and programming language for numeric computing. [www.mathworks.com/%|%MathWorks] is an interesting company; it continued to hire programmers all through 2002 and at least the beginning of 2003, despite the general depression in [IT]. ** Reference ** [http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~selfpace/studyguide/9A.sg.pdf%|%CS 9A (Matlab) Study Guide], University of California, 2006: ** Description ** The quickest, lightest way to get [Tcl] and MATLAB talking is through [DDE]. MATLAB also exposes a [COM] interface that permits essentially fully general control, although it's documented with as much mystery as seems to be canonical with COM. In [http://www.ptmcg.com/geo/python/using_matlab_from_python.html%|%Calling Matlab from Python] ([https://web.archive.org/web/20091027113808/http://geocities.com/ptmcg/python/using_matlab_from_python.html%|%alternate]), Paul McGuire, 2004-03-11, the author documents his experience in COM control with [Python]; most of this knowledge translates easily to Tcl. [TMath] and [TCL-MAT] both bind Tcl and MATLAB. [Octave] is an open-source replacement for MATLAB. ----- [AM] 2007-09-26: A product associated with MATLAB is Simulink. [Playing Simulink] is an attempt to bring its functionality (as far as I understand it) to Tcl. ** See Also ** [Numerical Analysis in Tcl]: <> Company | Mathematics