I was needing a little proc to give me a color a tad bit lighter or darker than a starting color. The end result is a proc that does just that. It then became pretty darn obvious it could be used to make gradients. -- [Bryan Oakley] [KPV] There's also some code that does this that comes with tcl/tk. The routine tk_setPalette has code that creates new background color by darkening the foreground color. Also, undocumented but in the same source file as tk_setPalette (palette.tcl) is the routine ::tk::Darken which has the following header comment: # ::tk::Darken -- # Given a color name, computes a new color value that darkens (or # brightens) the given color by a given percent. # # Arguments: # color - Name of starting color. # perecent - Integer telling how much to brighten or darken as a # percent: 50 means darken by 50%, 110 means brighten # by 10%. ---- This code uses the proc at the end of this page to create a gradient that goes from black to red to white: set count 0 for {set f -1.0} {$f <= 1.0} {set f [expr {$f + 0.005}]} { set frame .f[incr count] frame $frame -background [gradient red $f] -height 1 pack $frame -fill x } [KPV] Here's more demo code that shows color gradients for each color of the rainbow. foreach c {red orange yellow green blue purple violet} { frame .$c -width 100 pack .$c -side left set count 0 for {set f -1.0} {$f <= 1.0} {set f [expr {$f + 0.005}]} { set frame .$c.f[incr count] frame $frame -background [gradient $c $f] -height 1 -width 100 pack $frame -fill x } } ---- # gradient # # adjusts a color to be "closer" to either white or black # # Usage: # # gradient color factor ?window? # # Arguments: # # color - standard tk color; either a name or rgb value # (eg: "red", "#ff0000", etc) # factor - a number between -1.0 and 1.0. Negative numbers # cause the color to be adjusted towards black; # positive numbers adjust the color towards white. # window - a window name; used internally as an argument to # [winfo rgb]; defaults to "." proc gradient {rgb factor {window .}} { foreach {r g b} [winfo rgb $window $rgb] {break} ### Figure out color depth and number of bytes to use in ### the final result. if {($r > 255) || ($g > 255) || ($b > 255)} { set max 65535 set len 4 } else { set max 255 set len 2 } ### Compute new red value by incrementing the existing ### value by a value that gets it closer to either 0 (black) ### or $max (white) set range [expr {$factor >= 0.0 ? $max - $r : $r}] set increment [expr {int($range * $factor)}] incr r $increment ### Compute a new green value in a similar fashion set range [expr {$factor >= 0.0 ? $max - $g : $g}] set increment [expr {int($range * $factor)}] incr g $increment ### Compute a new blue value in a similar fashion set range [expr {$factor >= 0.0 ? $max - $b : $b}] set increment [expr {int($range * $factor)}] incr b $increment ### Format the new rgb string set rgb \ [format "#%.${len}X%.${len}X%.${len}X" \ [expr {($r>$max)?$max:(($r<0)?0:$r)}] \ [expr {($g>$max)?$max:(($g<0)?0:$g)}] \ [expr {($b>$max)?$max:(($b<0)?0:$b)}]] ### Return the new rgb string return $rgb } [[ We should probably make a point of copying in, or at least referring to, the live color wheel in M&M's book. It's another nice example of several of these ideas. ]]