[map] is [function mapping], a classic primitive in [functional programming] - apply a function to all elements of a list, and return the resulting list: proc map {fun list} { set res {} foreach element $list {lappend res [$fun $element]} set res } ;# RS proc addTax x {expr {$x*1.16}} % map addTax {1 10 5 2 1.95} 1.16 11.6 5.8 2.32 2.262 ---- [SS] 29Oct2004. I'm going to submit a TIP for the inclusion of a '''map''' command in Tcl. The semantic is very similar to [foreach], with three main differences: map varname list body map varlist1 list1 ?varlist2 list2 ...? body * map raises an error if the length of every list is not multiple of the number of variables passed. * map raises an error if the number of iterations needed to consume all the lists passed is not the same. * map returns a list composed appending to every iteration the result of the script passed. Some usage example: % map x {1 2 3 4} {expr $x*$x} 1 4 9 16 % map {x y} {1 2 3 4} {expr $x+$y} 3 7 % map x {1 2 3 4} y {5 6 7 8} {expr $x+$y} 6 8 10 12 % map x {pela mera arancia limone} {string toupper $x} PELA MERA ARANCIA LIMONE '''Rationale''' I've a strong feeling that the semantic I proposed for map is the best we can have in relation to the rest of Tcl, and the following are the reasons. * The formal command structure is very similar to [foreach]. map and foreach are also very similar in the [Scheme] [Lisp] dialect. Every Tcl programmer that can understand foreach will be able to use map in 1 minute. * There is no need for [lambda], that's missing in Tcl. A more idiomatic way in Tcl is to pass a function direcly as a string. * It shares the power of [foreach] about the ability to map multiple lists in different ways, with commands having different arity (see examples). Do you need lambda? If you can see there is the following pattern in your programs, you need it: set res {} foreach x $mylist { lappend res [foobar $x] } use $res (You probably also need [Filter in functional programming], that will be probably covered in the same TIP). '''Implementation''' I wrote the following reference implementation, that's released under the BSD license: proc map args { set argc [llength $args] # Check arity if {$argc < 3 || ($argc % 2) != 1} { error {wrong # args: should be "map varList list ?varList list? script"} } set listNum [expr {($argc-1)/2}] set numIter -1 # Check if number of vars matches the length of the lists # and if the number of iterations is the same for all the lists. for {set i 0} {$i < $listNum} {incr i} { set varList [lindex $args [expr {$i*2}]] set curList [lindex $args [expr {$i*2+1}]] if {[llength $curList] % [llength $varList]} { error "list length doesn't match varList in arg # [expr {$i*2+1}]" } set curNumIter [expr {[llength $curList]/[llength $varList]}] if {$numIter == -1} { set numIter $curNumIter } elseif {$numIter != $curNumIter} { error "different number of iterations for varList/list pairs" } } # Performs the actual mapping. set script [lindex $args end] set res {} for {set iter 0} {$iter < $numIter} {incr iter} { for {set i 0} {$i < $listNum} {incr i} { set varList [lindex $args [expr {$i*2}]] set curList [lindex $args [expr {$i*2+1}]] set numVars [llength $varList] set listSlice [lrange $curList [expr {$numVars*$iter}] \ [expr {$numVars*$iter+$numVars-1}]] uplevel 1 [list foreach $varList $listSlice break] } lappend res [uplevel 1 $script] } return $res } ---- [Category Algorithm]|[Category Functional Programming]