---- Sometimes I sign myself with [MM]. [http://web.tiscali.it/marcomaggi/index.html] ---- TCL projects: [ztcl], [bztcl], [mhtcl], UTP+UWP+UAW [http://gna.org/projects/utp/], ---- I'm maintaining some pages here at the TCL Wiki: * [Generating a unique name] * [The task package] * [Multitasking and the event loop] * [Multitasking and the event loop: the script] * [How to mimic event generation without TK] * [An experimental tree structure] * [Keep your struct away from me] * [The observer design pattern] * [The iterator design pattern] * [Analog widgets] * [tksquare] * [Experimenting with graphics algorithms] * [Toplevel widgets in a tree hierarchy] * [Mumbling over a mega widget framework] * [hoco an homogeneous coordinates package] * [Playing with homogeneous coordinates] * [Playing with Denavit and Hartenberg coordinates] * [Playing with planes in 3D] * [Playing with bar charts] * [Moving an anthropomorphous robot arm] * [Canvas polygon buttons] * [Canvas equaliser] * [Canvas scrolling by dragging mouse] * [Canvas selection with marching ants] * [Canvas dash lines] * [Canvas object dropper] * [Canvas cyclic object selection] ---- [[ [Category Person] | [Category Home Page] ]]