'''execx - EXECuting transparently out of the VFS of a starkit/starpack''' The following simplifies the execution of .EXEs which are inside of a Starkits/Starpacks VFS by transparently copying them ot of the VFS to a temporary location and EXECing them from there (just as it already works from the tcl core with LOADing DLLs). I pack various external tools needed by my scripts in the VFS, because it's not always clear, if the machine the script is later running on has such tools installed in the path and sometimes such tools are there, but it's the wrong version. So it's safer to make a temp copy out of the VFS and call them from there. However, the default is to use an external available tool (to save the copy step). Todo: * the code just has to be more generalized, reviewed and documented, but it already works... * make the VFS-location a parameter