---- '''globx: Extended globbing, non-recursively walking through directory-trees''' proc globx {startDir {search *} {cb ""}} { set dirStack [list [file normalize $startDir]] set files {} set fc 0 while {[llength $dirStack]} { set newStack {} foreach dir $dirStack { set fn [glob -noc -typ f -dir $dir -- $search] set fh [glob -noc -typ {f hidden} -dir $dir -- $search] if {[string equal $cb ""]} { eval lappend files $fn $fh } else { foreach f [concat $fn $fh] { incr fc uplevel [list $cb $f] } } set dn [glob -noc -typ d -dir $dir *] set dh [glob -noc -typ {d hidden} -dir $dir *] eval lappend newStack $dn $dh } set dirStack $newStack update } if {[string equal $cb ""]} { return [lsort $files] } else { return $fc } } '''Examples:''' '''''Without a callback, directly returning the filenames as a list:''''' puts [globx c:/winnt] puts [globx c:/winnt *.dll] '''''Returning the filenames unsorted name-by-name via callback:''''' proc callback file { puts $file } puts [globx c:/winnt * callback]; # will return the number of files read ---- '''readprof: Reading profiles with custom''' '''''commands''''' '''via a slave interpreter''' package provide readprof 1.0 namespace eval readprof {} #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # prof - filename of the profile # cmds - allowed 'commands' in the profile as a list where each element is {cmdName defVal} # returns: cmdName Value cmdName Value [...] _errorMsg ( empty if ok) # proc readprof::readprof1 {prof cmds} { catch { set id [interp create -safe] # maximum security in the slave: deleting all availabe commands! interp eval $id { foreach cmd [info commands] { if {$cmd != {rename} && $cmd != {if} && $cmd != {info}} { rename $cmd {} } } rename if {}; rename info {}; rename rename {} } array set temp $cmds proc set$id {key args} { upvar 1 temp myArr; set myArr($key) [join $args] } # defining aliases in the slave for each available profile-'command' # and mapping of each command to the set$id procedure foreach {cmd default} $cmds { interp alias $id $cmd {} readprof::set$id $cmd; # arg [...] } # 'invoking/executing' the profile $id invokehidden source $prof # clean-up interp delete $id rename set$id {} } rc set temp(_errorMsg) $rc return [array get temp] } '''Example:''' '''''program:''''' package require readprof # preparing the available profile commands and defaults of a hypothetical profile array set info { tempDir d:/temp runIntervall 5000 notify xyz@abc.de } # reading the profile array set info [readprof::readprof1 profile.rc [array get info]] parray info; # will now return: tempDir -> c:/temp runIntervall -> 2000 notify xyz@abc.de '''''simple profile-file profile.rc''''' tempDir c:/temp runIntervall 2000 ----