Maximizing a toplevel window: Customers sometimes want a window to come up maximized (they want it to be as though they had touched the fill-the-screen button in the window-manager's decoration). package require Tcl 8.2 ;# [package present] and [string equal] package require Tk proc maximize toplevel { # Unixoid window managers definitely can't rely on "wm ... zoom"; # can MacOS? # "wm state ..." only began to take "zoom" with version 8.3. if {([catch {package present Tk 8.3}] == 0) && [string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} { wm state $toplevel zoomed return } pack propagate $toplevel 0 update idletasks wm geometry $toplevel +0+0 wm minsize $toplevel [winfo screenwidth $toplevel] \ [winfo screenheight $toplevel] } ;# [CL] ---- An alternative, to support Tcl/Tk versions older than 8.2 (at least 7.5/4.1): package require Tk proc maximize toplevel { global tcl_platform # [wm state] able to set state beginning with Tk 8.3. # "zoomed" state available only on Windows. if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tk] 8.3] && ([string compare $tcl_platform(platform) windows] == 0)} { wm state $toplevel zoomed return } pack propagate $toplevel 0 update idletasks wm geometry $toplevel +0+0 wm minsize $toplevel [winfo screenwidth $toplevel] \ [winfo screenheight $toplevel] } [DGP] ---- Someone who wants to pursue this for Win32 should examine ---- [RS] A one-liner that works on Windows 2000 (and should on others, too): wm overrideredirect . 1; wm geometry . [join [wm maxsize .] x]+0+0