Meb - Menu Builder Directions to find it at [Stu] ---- [Stu] 2012-06-17 Meb 0.1<
> Meb is a menu builder that employs the same philosophy as [Gub]: * Require learning the least amount of new syntax as possible. * Leverage Tk options. * Take care of the drudgery part of gui building. * Generate Tcl code. Highlights: * Generates Tcl code to create menus. * Takes care of the less important aspects of menu creation. * Simple layout, one item per line. * Indent determines level, one space per level. * Tk options start at first '-' after label text. * Auto underline using '&'. * Cascades determined my indent (level). * Checkbuttons,radiobuttons determined by -variable option. * Auto command. * Namespace for commands and variables. * Separator is any string of '-' and/or '=' * MebTool, a command-line and gui utility. ---- ====== $ cat example3.mob # Meb example 3 - simple &File &Load &Save &New - E&xit &Help &About &Readme $ mebtool example3.mob menu .m -tearoff 0 .m add cascade -label File -underline 0 -menu [menu .m.m0 -tearoff 0] .m.m0 add command -label Load -underline 0 -command ::fileLoad .m.m0 add command -label Save -underline 0 -command ::fileSave .m.m0 add command -label New -underline 0 -command ::fileNew .m.m0 add separator .m.m0 add command -label Exit -underline 1 -command ::fileExit .m add cascade -label Help -underline 0 -menu [menu .m.m1 -tearoff 0] .m.m1 add command -label About -underline 0 -command ::helpAbout .m.m1 add command -label Readme -underline 0 -command ::helpReadme ====== ----