MetaKit has its own Wiki [] and home page []. MetaKit is the [persistence] engine for [WiKit], of course. * [Mark Roseman] has written a tutorial [] on MetaKit for Tcl developers. * [Mark Roseman] tutorial [] in HTML. * detailed metakit documentation []. * [OOMK] is the preferred oo metakit interface, written in [Snit], giving many more facilities than vanilla mk4tcl. * desultory(unofficial) documentation on an unsupported OO-like view interface called [mk4too] The [MetaKit File Format]. The Tcl binding to Metakit is named "Mk4tcl". It was claimed here that Mk4tcl is part of the [ActiveTcl] Batteries included release. This does not appear to be the case as of 8.4.2, 9 May 2003 - Roy Terry. MetaKit ''is'' included in lib/mk4tcl as of tcl '''8.4.4''', but without documentation, it seems (Hof). ---- '''[DGP]''' For what it's worth, here are the points I found most useful in the Roseman intro: * Use properties that define as small a unit of information as possible. * Creating more views is a good thing. Do that, don't muck up a single view with special cases. * Moving data to/from a Tcl array is easy and familiar to Tclers. * Emphasis that restructuring of a view layout means you can continue revising your data model as you go. Just start coding; you can change it later. * Some discussion when subviews are good vs. additional views. ---- "... many of the integrity checks required in traditional database use are not required in Metakit, because Metakit offers nested views -- a cleaner way to represent the relationships often enforced by integrity constraints." ---- "cleaner" is a matter of opinion, ask a relational database theorist. I don't want to start those arguments here, just point out that if you use Metakit for a complex system, you '''should''' design first, and be very careful. - EMJ [DKF]: "You '''should''' design first"? That's actually true of any non-trivial program, you know... ;^) ''An ounce of thought saves a ton of effort.'' ----- See also [dgmkviewer], ---- [[ [Category Database] | [Category Package] ]]