Written by [Brian Griffin]. Includes mtiwidgets::[mdi]frame widget. What: mtiwidgets Where: ftp://ftp.model.com/pub/tcl/mtiwidgets.tgz Description: Collection of mega-widget additions and enhancements to Iwidgets. Includes mtiwidgets::button, mtiwidgets:colbutton, mtiwidgets::mtilabel, mtiwidgets:mapscrollbar, mtiwidgets::dockbar, mtiwidgets::toolbar, mtiwidgets::mdiframe, and a demo of the widgets. Requires Tcl/Tk 8.3.4, Itcl/Itk 3.2, and Iwidgets 3.0.1, but has been tested with Iwidgets 4.0.2. Currently at version 0.1 . Updated: 01/2003 Contact: I've updated this collection to include the mtipanemanager, demo'd at Tcl2004. However, this megawidget depends on several TIP's, #125 (wm toplevel) and #177 & #179 (panedwindow -stretch & -hide). There is also no demo or documentation yet. You can download the package at ftp://ftp.model.com/pub/tcl/mtiwidgets0.2.tgz [JH]: You need the TIP patches [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=998125&group_id=12997&atid=312997] [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=983886&group_id=12997&atid=312997] and this fix in mtiwidgets0.2: proc wm_toplevel {win {bool {}}} { puts [info level 0] if {[llength [info level 0]] == 2} { return [expr {[winfo manager $win] eq "wm"}] } else { if {$bool} { wm manage $win } else { wm forget $win } } } and s/wm toplevel/wm_toplevel/ in all the code. With that, only mdiframe still fails for me. ---- [Brian Griffin]: I've uploaded version 0.3 which fixes many of the problems seen in 0.2. It still requires TIP's 125, 177, and 179. And it's still using [wm toplevel] instead of [wm manage], but the above hack should work around that issue. The man pages (mtiwidgets/demos/html) and demo (mtiwidgets/demos/catalog) have been updated as well. You can download the package at ftp://ftp.model.com/pub/tcl/mtiwidgets0.3.tgz Enjoy! ---- See also [incr tcl], [incr tk], [incr widgets], [what is a megawidget]. ---- [Brian Griffin] [[ [Category Package] | [Category GUI] | ]]