Written by [Brian Griffin]. Includes mtiwidgets::[mdi]frame widget. What: mtiwidgets Where: ftp://ftp.model.com/pub/tcl/mtiwidgets.tgz Description: Collection of mega-widget additions and enhancements to Iwidgets. Includes mtiwidgets::button, mtiwidgets:colbutton, mtiwidgets::mtilabel, mtiwidgets:mapscrollbar, mtiwidgets::dockbar, mtiwidgets::toolbar, mtiwidgets::mdiframe, and a demo of the widgets. Requires Tcl/Tk 8.3.4, Itcl/Itk 3.2, and Iwidgets 3.0.1, but has been tested with Iwidgets 4.0.2. Currently at version 0.1 . Updated: 01/2003 Contact: I've updated this collection to include the mtipanemanager, demo'd at Tcl2004. However, this megawidget depends on several TIP's, #125 (wm toplevel) and #177 & #179 (panedwindow -stretch & -hide). There is also no demo or documentation yet. You can download the package at ftp://ftp.model.com/pub/tcl/mtiwidgets0.2.tgz [JH]: You need the TIP patches [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=998125&group_id=12997&atid=312997] [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=983886&group_id=12997&atid=312997] and this fix in mtiwidgets0.2: proc wm_toplevel {win {bool {}}} { puts [info level 0] if {[llength [info level 0]] == 2} { return [expr {[winfo manager $win] eq "wm"}] } else { if {$bool} { wm manage $win } else { wm forget $win } } } and s/wm toplevel/wm_toplevel/ in all the code. With that, only mdiframe still fails for me. ---- [Brian Griffin]: I've uploaded version 0.3 which fixes many of the problems seen in 0.2. It still requires TIP's 125, 177, and 179. And it's still using ''wm toplevel'' instead of ''wm manage'', but the above hack should work around that issue. The man pages (mtiwidgets/demos/html) and demo (mtiwidgets/demos/catalog) have been updated as well. You can download the package at ftp://ftp.model.com/pub/tcl/mtiwidgets0.3.tgz Enjoy! ---- See also [incr tcl], [incr tk], [incr widgets], [what is a megawidget]. ---- [Brian Griffin] [[ [Category Package] | [Category GUI] | ]]