[jnc] Dec 2, 2009 - Tk currently lacks a multiline entry widget. The text widget is a great widget but a bit complex if you just need a multiline plain text widget that acts like [entry]. This is one of many solutions on the wiki. This solution includes support for: * -textvariable * attaching scroll bars (vertical by default) * handling Tab and Shift-Tab correctly * optionally allowing tabs inside of the widget with the -allowtab 1 option snit::widget multiline_entry { delegate option * to text delegate method * to text # On/Off options option -yscroll -default 1 option -xscroll -default 0 option -allowtab -default 0 option -readonly -default 0 # Miscellaneous options option -textvariable -default 0 constructor { args } { install text using text $win.txt grid $win.txt -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nswe $self configurelist $args if {[$win cget -yscroll] == 1} { $win.txt configure -yscrollcommand [list $win.vsb set] ttk::scrollbar $win.vsb -command [list $win.txt yview] grid $win.vsb -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsw } if {[$win cget -xscroll] == 1} { $win.txt configure -xscrollcommand [list $win.hsb set] ttk::scrollbar $win.hsb -orient horizontal -command [list $win.txt xview] grid $win.hsb -row 1 -column 0 -sticky we } grid rowconfigure $win 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight 1 if {[$win cget -textvariable] != 0} { set varName [$win cget -textvariable] upvar 3 $varName v $win.txt insert 1.0 $v $win.txt mark set insert 1.0 trace add variable v write [list $self setContent] trace add variable v read [list $self getContent] } bind $win [list focus $win.txt] if {$options(-allowtab) == 0} { bind $win.txt [list $self focusPrev] bind $win.txt [list $self focusNext] } if {$options(-readonly) == 1} { # This method prevents keyboard navigation :-/ bind $win.txt break } } method getTextWidget {} { return $win.txt } method focusPrev {} { focus [tk_focusPrev $win] return -code break } method focusNext {} { focus [tk_focusNext $win.txt] return -code break } method setContent { name element op} { upvar 1 $name x $win.txt delete 1.0 end $win.txt insert 1.0 $x } method getContent { name element op } { upvar 1 $name x set x [$win.txt get 1.0 "end-1 char"] } } ---- See also: [Multiline expanding entry widget], [Multi-Line Text Entry Widget - With Entry Widget Like Field To Field Tabbing] and [GRIDPLUS2]. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Package] | [Category GUI] | [Category Widget] |% [text] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] !!!!!!