[http://www.eolas.com/muze/muze-logo1.gif] A Tcl-based game that combines drawing with music authoring. It was previously called [Muse]. The Web site is http://www.mymuze.com To download the [Starkit] or Starpacks for Win, Linux and OSX: [http://www.eolas.net/muze/get_muse_now.html] [http://www.eolas.com/muze/train3.gif] Once you're running Muze, you can try out the above muzart file by downloading http://www.mymuze.com/Freight-Train2.muz and loading it into Muze. Other sample muzart can be downloaded at [http://www.eolas.net/muze/share_your_work.html] Developed by [Eolas] ---- [Category Games] [Category Application]