Version 13 of NaTcl

Updated 2011-04-13 13:12:51 by CMcC

Announcing Tcl for the Web

NaTcl is Tcl running under Chrome's Native Client sandbox.

This allows Tcl to run on client browsers, and mutate and access Chrome's DOM. Thus, people can write web apps in Tcl, as nature intended :)

NaTcl will soon be followed by NaTk, a port of WubTk technology to NaTcl, which will allow people to write Web Apps in Tk!!!

We believe, as it was with Tcl v. C, that Tcl will be a faster, easier, more convivial language in which to write things than javascript. The evidence is that javascript requires substantial ecosystem to support it, and we think that may just be because javascript is based on a system language, whereas Tcl gives all that scripting language goodness.

Try it out

  • Get chrome (we use 10.0.648.204)
  • Kill all currently running chrome instances.
  • chrome, google-chrome --no-sandbox
    • on OSX use /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --no-sandbox
  • navigate to about:flags and enable native client, save it.
    • on OSX (at least) you will need to restart Chrome after enabling native client

if you get the missing so file error on the console, it's a know issue with chrome rpms and debs not including the NaTcl plugin.

Serve with Wub

  • Make NaTcl per README
  • mkdir [docroot]/NaTcl and [docroot]/NaTcl/exe
  • cp tcl.nexe [docroot]/NaTcl/exe
  • cp index.html tcl.nmf [docroot]/NaTcl/

Edit tcl.nmf to

  "nexes": {
    "x86-32": "exe/tcl.nexe",

Add to site.config:

/natcl/ {
    domain File
    root $Wub::docroot/NaTcl

/natcl/exe {
    domain File
    root $Wub::docroot/NaTcl/exe
    expires tomorrow