[Lorance] This is a compiler plugin to integrate Nagelfar with Vim. Doing a ":make" in Vim will use Nagelfar to syntax check *.tcl files. The plugin has extra features to make working with Nagelfar easier. There are a few key mappings and an optional use of the Vim "signs" feature. These place markers next to lines flagged by Nagelfar. To utilize install the files in your ~/.vim or ~/vimfiles directory and call ':compiler nagelfar' at some point. I personally place 'autocmd FileType tcl compiler nagelfar' in my .vimrc file. https://github.com/LStinson/Nagelfar-Vim%|%Nagelfar-Vim at GitHub%|% http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3749%|%Nagelfar-Vim at Vim.org%|% (I wrote this for myself so all feedback/suggestions/changes welcome.) <>Editor utility