if {0} { [Martin Lemburg] here some procedures ... * ... to get the full qualified name of ... * ... to check the existence of ... * ... to connect (with upvar) to ... ... a variable in the current or any parent namespace: } proc getFullNspcVarName {args} { switch -exact -- [llength $args] { 1 { set nspc [uplevel namespace current]; set varname [lindex $args 0]; } 2 { foreach {nspc varname} $args {break;} if {[catch {namespace parent $nspc}]} { error "no such namespace \"$nspc\""; } } default { error "wrong # args: should be \"getFullNspcVarName ?namespace? varname\""; } } while {![info exists ${nspc}::$varname]} { if {$nspc == "::"} { return ""; } set nspc [namespace parent $nspc]; } return ${nspc}::$varname; } proc varExistsInNspc {args} { if {[catch {set result [uplevel getFullNspcVarName $args]} reason]} { error $reason; } if {$result == ""} { return 0; } return 1; }