[http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/ns_logobig.gif] [NaviServer%|%Main%|%] ✸ http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/w/NaviServer%|%Home Page%|% ✸ http://bitbucket.org/naviserver/naviserver/%|%Source Code %|% ✸ http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=130646%|%Downloads %|% ✸ http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/n/toc.html%|%API Documentation %|% ✸ http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=130646%|%Mailing Lists%|% ✸ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=130646&atid=719006%|%Bugs %|% ✸ https://www.ohloh.net/p/naviserver/contributors%|%Developers %|% ---- '''Incompatible changes in Tcl commands''' '''ns_register_proc''': The unused ''connid'' argument passed to callback procs registered with ns_register_proc have been removed. The ''connid'' is optional and deprecated in AOLserver and so should be removed in all cases. This applies to all other ''request''-like NaviServer/AOLserver commands which previously took a ''connid'' argument. '''ns_register_filter''': The arguments passed to callback procs registered with ns_register_filter are reversed: # NaviServer proc myfilter {when argx argy args} { ns_log notice "myfilter: $when $argx $argy $args" } ns_register_filter preauth GET /foo* myfilter arg1 arg2 arg3 # AOLserver proc myfilter {filter_args when} { ns_log notice "myfilter: $when $filter_args" } ns_register_filter preauth GET /foo* myfilter {arg1 arg2 arg3) ... ---- '''Incompatible changes to the C API''' ''FIXME'' ---- '''NaviServer features missing in AOLserver''' ''FIXME'' ---- '''AOLserver features missing in NaviServer''' ''FIXME'' ---- '''Comments''': ... ---- !!!!!! %| [NaviServer] | [AOLserver] |% !!!!!!